
I have just published a new Internet-Draft
(draft-gont-6man-nd-extension-headers) entitled "Security Implications
of the Use of IPv6 Extension Headers with IPv6 Neighbor Discovery".

The I-D is available at:

The Abstract of the I-D is:
---- cut here ----
   IPv6 Extension Headers with Neighbor Discovery messages can be
   leveraged to circumvent simple local network protections, such as
   "Router Advertisement Guard".  Since there is no legitimate use for
   IPv6 Extension Headers in Neighbor Discovery messages, and such use
   greatly complicates network monitoring and simple security
   mitigations such as RA-Guard, this document proposes that hosts
   silently ignore Neighbor Discovery messages that use IPv6 Extension
---- cut here ----

Note: A closely related (and just published) I-D is
draft-gont-v6ops-ra-guard-evasion-00, which is aimed at the v6ops wg
(rather than 6man).

Any comments on any of these I-Ds will be very welcome.


Best regards,
Fernando Gont
e-mail: ||
PGP Fingerprint: 7809 84F5 322E 45C7 F1C9 3945 96EE A9EF D076 FFF1

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