Hi, Arturo,

Thanks so much for your feedback! -- Please find my responses inline...

On 06/05/2011 07:28 PM, Arturo Servin wrote:
> I think you missed the reference to RFC 6105, this is the same problem
> with the reference
> than http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-gont-v6ops-ra-guard-evasion-00.txt

Good grief! -- There was an error in the xml source which resulted in
the reference not being included. I'll fix this in the next rev of the I-D.

> May be it is just me and the excess of caffeine but the third paragraph
> of section 1 is a bit long and hard to understand. I would recommend
> some rephrasing. 

With a bit more caffeine, it was parsable to me :-) . Anyway, I've
worked a little bit on the paragraph, to improve it. This is the
resulting text:

---- cut here ----
Since there is no current legitimate use for IPv6 Extension Headers in
IPv6 Neighbor Discovery packets, and avoiding their use in such packets
would greatly simplify the monitoring and mitigation of Neighbor
Discovery attacks, this document proposes that hosts silently ignore
Neighbor Discovery messages that employ IPv6 Extension Headers.
---- cut here ----

> Other:
> In section 2. I think it has to be a MUST instead of SHOULD.

I'd probably agree with you but will leave this one for discussion...

> In section 3, I think you should add a paragraph saying that even with
> the filtering rules described
> in http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-gont-v6ops-ra-guard-evasion-00.txt there
> is a important cost in complexity and performance for devices performing
> those filters (l2-switches, IDS/IPS/FWS, etc.)

This is a very good point. Will craft some text about this and include
it in the next revision of the I-D.


Best regards,
Fernando Gont
e-mail: ferna...@gont.com.ar || fg...@acm.org
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