
Comments below.


> From:  IETF Security Area
> To: Study Group 17, Questions 2 and 3
> Title: Work on Security of IPv6
> The IETF thanks Study Group 17 for its liaison LS-206 "Liaison on IPv6
> security issues".  As the world transitions to IPv6, new opportunities
> and challenges and challenges arise.  SG17's new focus on deployment and

s/and challenges and challenges/and challenges/

> implementation considerations reflects this reality.   We would like to
> bring to your attention the following work which we believe may prove a
> useful basis for both X.ipv6-secguide and X.mgv6:
>    * RFC 4294 – "IPv6 Node Requirements" (N.B., this work is currently
>      under revision)

Why not just reference the bis document?

>    * draft-ietf-6man-node-req-bis (work in progress) – "IPv6 Node
>      Requirements RFC 4294-bis"
>    * RFC 4864 – "Local Network Protection for IPv6"
>    * RFC 6092 – "Recommended Simple Security Capabilities in Customer
>      Premise Equipment (CPE) for Providing Residential IPv6 Internet
>      Service"
>    * RFC 6105 – "IPv6 Router Advertisement Guard"
>    * RFC 6106 – "IPv6 Router Advertisement Options for DNS
>      Configuration", §7 in particular.
> As you are aware, every RFC contains a Security Considerations section.
> In developing either a implementation or deployment guide, contributors
> are strongly encouraged to review the RFCs and Internet-Drafts that
> support any underlying function.
> In addition, we bring to your attention the following IETF Working
> Groups that are working on security-related work of IPv6:
> Working Group  Purpose                     Mailing list address
> Name
> 6man           IPv6 Maintenance  
> savi           Source Address Validation
>               Improvements
> dhc            Dynamic Host Configuration
> v6ops          IPv6 Operations   
> opsec          Operational Security
>               Capabilities for an IP
>               Network
> In addition to the above working groups, the Security Area of the IETF
> maintains a mailing list for general discussion,  We
> encourage and invite open and informal discussion in these or other
> relevant IETF fora on this very important topic. As with all IETF
> working groups, any and all interested parties can choose to directly
> contribute via the mailing lists above.
> As in other areas, the Security Area of the IETF invites SG17 to bring
> any new-found concerns about IETF protocols to our attention so that as
> and when we revise our documents we can make appropriate amendments to
> IETF protocols. In particular, as this planned work matures, we would
> welcome hearing about it in more detail, perhaps via an invited
> presentation at a saag meeting or via review of draft documents as may
> be appropriate.

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