On Mon, 2011-07-04 at 13:28 +0930, Mark Smith wrote:
> Perhaps we should wait until IPv6 traffic exceeds IPv4's before
> deciding. With the trivial amount of use that IPv6 currently has, it
> makes no sense to say history shows it hasn't been useful and should be
> deprecated.

On the other hand, if we can see now that they are unlikely to be useful
(and IMHO we *can* see that) then we are doing the world a service by
helping all those vendors NOT implement it :-)

There is no need for subnet anycast addresses, because any address can
be an anycast address. Only the node where an anycast address is
configured needs to know that it is an anycast address. That is, there
is no need to be able to recognise such an address from its format. Has
the use of IPv4 anycast been impeded by the inability to tell an anycast
address from an ordinary address?

There is also no need for subnet router anycast addresses, because a
node wanting to contact a router can use the all-routers-on-link
multicast address. Note that the subnet router anycast address doesn't
even ensure that the "nearest" router is contacted, which would arguably
have been useful, because the current spec deliberately builds in a
small random delay in responding, to avoid network congestion.

If I have missed some really good use for either set of anycast
addresses, please let me know!

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (ka...@biplane.com.au)                   +61-2-64957160 (h)
http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer/                   +61-428-957160 (mob)

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