In your letter dated Mon, 18 Jul 2011 22:25:30 +1000 you wrote:
>I'm puzzled by something in RFC1981, which discusses PMTUD and IPv6.
>It contains these two paragraphs towards the end of Section 4:
>   A node MUST NOT reduce its estimate of the Path MTU below the IPv6
>   minimum link MTU.
>      Note: A node may receive a Packet Too Big message reporting a
>      next-hop MTU that is less than the IPv6 minimum link MTU.  In that
>      case, the node is not required to reduce the size of subsequent
>      packets sent on the path to less than the IPv6 minimun link MTU,
>      but rather must include a Fragment header in those packets [IPv6-
>      SPEC].
>What does that mean - "insert a Fragment header"? And it may not be
>*required* to reduce the size of subsequent packets, but does that mean
>it *can* if it wants to? And isn't inserting a whole new header a bit
>counterproductive if someone is telling your your packets are too big
>already? All in all I have this strong feeling I'm missing something
>obvious. Any clues gratefully received.

I think that there was a tunneling protocol that would need the fragment ID 
in the fragment header to do fragmentation on the lower layer or something
like that. 

It never made much sense to me.

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