
> Section 4 of RFC 3484 states:
>     (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3484#section-4)
>     4. Candidate Source Addresses
>     [. . .]
>        In any case, anycast addresses, multicast addresses, and the
>        unspecified address MUST NOT be included in a candidate set.

I don't know the exact reason but RFC2373[1] says:

  2.6 Anycast Addresses
   There is little experience with widespread, arbitrary use of internet
   anycast addresses, and some known complications and hazards when
   using them in their full generality [ANYCST].  Until more experience
   has been gained and solutions agreed upon for those problems, the
   following restrictions are imposed on IPv6 anycast addresses:

      o An anycast address must not be used as the source address of an
        IPv6 packet.

      o An anycast address must not be assigned to an IPv6 host, that
        is, it may be assigned to an IPv6 router only.

(Note: statement above was removed in RFC4291)

Tomoyuki Sahara
IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
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