
> > Section 4 of RFC 3484 states:
> >     (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3484#section-4)
> >     4. Candidate Source Addresses
> >     [. . .]
> >        In any case, anycast
> addresses, multicast addresses, and the
> >        unspecified address MUST
> NOT be included in a candidate set.
> > 
> > Are a reply to an UDP datagram or ICMPv6 (e.g. ping)
> concerned ? 
> > 
> > If yes, what is the rationale for not including an
> anycast address ?
> because in the general case unaware applications do not
> work with anycast.

RFC 3484 states:
"It is desirable to have default algorithms, common across all 
implementations, for selecting source and destination addresses
so that developers and administrators can reason about and
predict the behavior of their systems."

So the algorithms must take into account the anycast addresses in replies.

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