Bob Hinden <> wrote:
> On Nov 1, 2011, at 7:02 PM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
>> The new flow label proposed standard is here, as well as
>> the rationale document (RFC 6436) and the ECMP/LAG proposed
>> standard (RFC 6438).
>> This document formally updates RFC 2460 and says that every IPv6
>> source SHOULD set the flow label value accordingly.
>> Maybe we can include this in draft-ietf-6man-node-req-ter when
>> it comes.

   I entirely agree it deserves mention in a -ter.

> I agree this is a good idea.  <draft-ietf-6man-node-req-bis-11.txt>
> is recently entered AUTH48 so this may be possible.

   I'm doubtful adding this during AUTH48 would be a good idea.

   Were it merely changing a Normative Reference to the new document,
I'd support this. But node-req-bis has no mention of Flow Label beyond
referencing RFC2460; and at first blush I see no way to introduce
Flow Label without text that would deserve an IETF LastCall.

   That said, I don't oppose covering Flow Label, and certainly any
node-req RFC that covers Flow Label should reference this standard:
it's just that adding this at AUTH48 seems a bit much. If, OTOH, we
intended to back off to a new IETF LastCall, I'd support it.

> I doubt we are going to update node-requirements again for a while,

   Understandable... but I sincerely hope "a while" doesn't turn
into years.

> so it would be good to do it now.

   I'm quite willing to reserve judgment until I see proposed text.

John Leslie <>
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