I have reviewed this draft. It is ready to move forward, and I have requested a 
last call to be initiated. In the meantime, I also had a few mostly editorial 
comments that you may want to take into account:

    Also, Several existing deployed IPv6 routers and several existing


This document intends
    to define a standard format for IPv6 extension headers.

This document defines a standard ...

    The base IPv6 standard [RFC2460  <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2460>] 
defines 3 extension headers (i.e.
    Routing Header, Destination Options Header, Hop-by-Hop Options
    Header) to be used for any new IPv6 options.  The same standard only
    allows the creation of new Extension Headers in limited circumstances
    [RFC2460] Section 4.6  <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2460#section-4.6>.

    As noted above, the use of any option with Hop-by-Hop behaviour can
    be problematic in the global public Internet.  So new IPv6 Extension
    Header(s) having hop-by-hop behaviour MUST NOT be created or
    specified.  Also, new options for the existing Hop-by-Hop Header
    SHOULD NOT be created or specified unless no alternative is feasible.
    Any proposal to create a new option for the existing Hop-by-Hop
    Header MUST include a detailed explanation of why the hop-by-hop
    behaviour is absolutely essential in the Internet-Draft proposing the
    new option with hop-by-hop behaviour.

It might also be useful to point to RFCs 5095 and 5871 as pointing out difficulties that 
the design of new routing header types can bring. E.g. "Similarly, as discussed in 
RFCs 5095 and 5871, the design of new Routing Header types may lead to security 
vulnerabilities and alternatives for such designs need to be carefully assessed."

    The scheme proposed in this document is not intended to be backward
    compatible with all the currently defined IPv6 extension headers.  It
    applies only to newly defined extension headers.  Specifically, the
    fragment header predates this document and does not follow the format
    proposed in this document.

Are there others? If yes, it would be good to mention them as well.


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