On 1/17/12 4:36 PM, Sam Silvester wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 4:46 AM, Brian Haberman
> <br...@innovationslab.net> wrote:
>> I am not sure there is a benefit to adding a single adjective to the noted
>> sentence.  The actual reference is correct, so the reader will be correctly
>> directed to the Lightweight MLD specification.
>> Regards,
>> Brian
> Fair enough.
> My understanding was that "Lightweight MLDv2" is the name of the RFC
> in the reference, as such shouldn't we be getting it right -
> especially in the sense that the name is close enough to MLDv2 and
> therefore avoiding confusion would be a good thing? i.e. it's less an
> adjective - if we're referring to an RFC, we should do it properly -
> especially when there is another, similar and related RFC that is also
> being discussed in the same paragraph?
> If only because it made me stop, get a little confused and have to go
> back and re-read the section (hence the Errata!) to get it clear in my
> mind what was going on.

I parsed the sentence differently.  I interpreted it as "implement MLDv2
using the guidance provided in RFC...".  In other words, I did not
interpret "MLDv2" as the title of the referenced RFC.

I am curious as to what others think about this.


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