On 2012-01-25 10:02, Fernando Gont wrote:
> Hi, Brian,
> On 01/24/2012 05:18 PM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
>>>>>> which is less predictable, even if the port number is not randomized.
>>>>> If the attacker can predict the algorithm in
>>>>> draft-gont-6man-flowlabel-security-02.txt, he knows the IPv6 addresses
>>>>> of the two endpoints, and the secret key. So I don't see what'd be the
>>>>> real improvement of this variant.
>>>> With your proposal, after observing label N, you can (with reasonable 
>>>> probability)
>>>> predict label N+1; you don't need this to be 100% accurate to cause 
>>>> trouble.
>>> If the attacker can *observe* labels, why would he bother to "guess" them?
>> So that s/he can generate plausible bogons as part of a DOS attack. It seems
>> to me that predictability of the flow label is similar to predictability
>> of port numbers in that respect.
> Let me rephrase with two questions:
> a) If an attacker is off-path, how can he "attack" the algorithm
> proposed in "draft-gont-6man-flowlabel-security-02.txt"?

OK, I mean an attacker who is able to observe the traffic but not
perform MITM modifications. Some people call that off-path...

> b) If an attacker is on-path how does any algorithm prevent the attacker
> from *knowing* which FlowLabels he should forge?

Obviously for an established flow, you can inject forged packets that
appear to belong to that flow; we can never prevent this. But if you
can predict the flow label for *future* flows, you can forge and
inject SYN packets before the real user ever starts the flow. Since
a large part of today's forged traffic seems to consist of SYN packets,
this seems like a sensitive target.

>>> Well, one should clearly state the threat model:
>>> If you're thinking about off-path attackers, then the fact that flow
>>> labels corresponding to the same set (src IP, dst IP) will be
>>> incremental is irrelevant (the attacker knows that the Flow-IDs are a
>>> monotonically-increasing sequence, but does not know where that sequence
>>> is).
>> If you are trying to confuse a load balancing algorithm, being able to
>> predict the next new SYN packet, even only with partial success,
>> might be a useful thing. 
> How could you possible predict, being an off-path attacker, the next
> FlowLabel?

Yes, you must be able to passively observe the previous traffic.

>> Since all major content providers run load
>> balancers, attacks on load balancing algorithms are an important
>> concern. If you can bias a load balancer to (almost) always pick
>> the same server, the content provider will not be happy.
> My understanding is that FlowLabels are expected to be used as I-Ds for
> flows, and have no internal semantics. -- it's not that forging a
> specific value will make packets always go through the same set of routers.

If the label is used in a load balancer, it *might* do exactly that.
It isn't certain (see draft-carpenter-v6ops-label-balance-01.txt).

>> (Note: I am not suggesting that existing load balancers are open
>> to such an attack, but we don't want the flow label to make things
>> worse.)
> How worse would the approach in
> "draft-gont-6man-flowlabel-security-02.txt" for FlowLabels when e.g.
> Linux uses the same approach for port numbers?

I thought we were trying to randomise port numbers for exactly
that reason; it seems to me that any form of regularity in the
numbers is asking for trouble, even if we don't have an exact
attack model.

>>> That said, and as noted above, it is interesting to offer alternatives.
>>> For example, if you implement the hash-based approach described in my
>>> I-D, the first flow label is "expensive", but the rest are really cheap:
>>> e.g., just add the counter to the value of F() that you have recorded in
>>> the destinations cache. OTOH, randomizing every FlowLabel might be more
>>> expensive.
>> That depends on how much extra you pay for holding state in the destinations
>> cache. A stateless algorithm avoids that.
> The destinations cache is already there. So a few bytes per entry does
> not seem to be a big deal. -- and if it is, then you'd probably be
> concerned about having the Destinations Cache in the first place....

It's an engineering trade-off, certainly. My taste is always to avoid
extra state, however.

>>> I personally think that rather than enforcing a single algorithm, we
>>> should offer a set of possible algorithms, and discuss the tradeoffs --
>>> after all, not all implementations need to agree on the same algorithm.
>> Absolutely; that's why RFC 6437 does not specify an algorithm.
> I'm fine with not describing any algorithms in the base expect. But I do
> think that something along the lines of RFC 6056 is needed -- everytime
> something like that was misswing, people got it wrong. Thing about IP
> ID, TCP port numbers, etc., etc.

Yes, but maybe we need a little experience first. That's why I have a
student playing with the largest IPv6 traces we've managed to get hold

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