
On 2012-01-26 23:54, Fernando Gont wrote:
> Hi, Brian,
> On 01/25/2012 05:08 PM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
>>> Agreed. The point I'm trying to make is that I do not see what the
>>> attacker would gain from guessing a label that's not in use yet. For
>>> instance, if he were to send packets with that forged label, the spoofed
>>> traffic might not event "compete" with any existing traffic.
>> One case that I'm thinking of specifically is if the attacker also knows
>> the load balancing algorithm in use,
> One should expect the attacker to know the load-balancing algorithm, but
> not the parameters with which it operates.
> If the attacker knows all of these things (algorithm+parameters), then
> *that* is where the flaw is (assuming having the attacker play with
> load-balancing is a concern, of course).
>> and in particular how it interacts
>> with the flow label, then there might be a way to bias the load balancing
>> and orchestrate a DOS SYN attack on a particular server. 
> Not sure what you mean. Are you arguing that in this case the flow-label
> would be used for *server* load-balancing?

Yes (draft-carpenter-v6ops-label-balance) but there could be a similar
argument for ECMP or LAG, where "the worst an attacker
could do against ECMP or LAG is attempt to selectively overload a
particular path." [RFC6438]

>> All I'm saying is
>> that *any* kind of predictability of future flows is a weakness that we
>> should avoid.
> I'm generally of the idea that "random is your friend" (wherever possible).
> That said, I'm also arguing that when analyzing the security properties
> of something, the threat model should be clearly defined.

I think it's fairly clear: the attacker reverse-engineers a load balancer
and figures out how to make it send too many flows in the same direction,
thereby saturating a target.
> For yet another example, draft-gont-predictable-fragment-id. My original
> proposal was to simply randomize the Fragment Identification. But
> concerns with collisions of Fragment IDs led to alternative approaches
> (although I personally think that that doesn't mean that simple Fragment
> ID randomization should be ruled out).
>>>>> Since FlowLabels do not carry any specific semantics, I cannot see how
>>>>> "forge and inject before..." would be any worse than firing those
>>>>> packets once the flow has already been established.
>>>> Injection of state into the endpoints may influence a large number of
>>>> functions, so an attacker's ability to forge packets may allow it to
>>>> skew the behavior of one of the nodes.
>>> Not sure what you mean....
>> Load balancing is an example. I think you'd be courageous to assert
>> that the bad guys won't find another.
> I just have not seen any example in which an algorithm such as the one
> in "draft-gont-6man-flowlabel-security-02" would allow an attacker to do
> something that he cannot do with randomized (as in rand()) FlowLabels.
> And I'm just saying that if the attacker is on-path, what algorithm you
> use is mostly irrelevant.

Unless you know all the load balancing algorithms in present and future use,
I don't see how you can assert that.
>>> How? And more importantly, why would an attacker want to forge a future
>>> label that is not in use?
>>> Let's keep in mind that if the attacker is on-path, that of attacking
>>> the flow label is probably the last DoS variant an attacker could try
>>> (no amplification, etc.)
>> They will try anything that works, 
> Again: Is there any benefit an attacker would get from knowing what FLs
> might be used in the future?
> For instance, if the FLs are not in use, it doesn't seem to make sense
> for an attacker to start firing packets with such labels, as those
> packet would not compete with the "real ones". And if the attacker is
> on-path, then he'll play lazy, and would simply learn the labels from
> the wire.

Again: I don't know, and you don't know, what use future load balancers
might make of flow label values. I do know that if the sequence of flow
labels is even partly predictable, the behaviour of load balancers *might*
become partly predictable.

>> in the end. I think it's very cheap
>> to avoid this risk - in your notation, it means
>>  Flow Label = counter + F(Source Address, Destination Address, Secret Key)
>> is changed to
>>  Flow Label = F(Source Address, Destination Address, Secret Key, counter)
>> That means that the regularity introduced by the counter is hidden by
>> the hash function.
> This also means that the algorithm is now broken. The goal of F() is to
> produce a constant value for each set (src IP, dst IP), which cannot be
> easily guessable by an off-path attacker (F() introduces the
> randomization). Then counter is incremented for each new label, such
> that for each set (src IP, dst IP) you get monotonically-increasing flow
> bales, such that the FL reuse frequency is minimized (please see the
> sampl output in the I-D).

But you greatly increase predictability as a result. I don't understand
how that can possibly be a good thing.

> If you introduce "counter" within F(), it's like changing the secret key
> for every flow label, at which point the result of F() is probably not
> better than than of "rand()".

That depends entirely on the quality of F(); as I've already said, I hope
to have some results for various algorithms and some large IPv6 packet
traces quite soon, but I already know that FNV1a gives very good results.

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