On Mar 22, 2012, at 11:00 AM, Anders Brandt wrote:

> As a branch of the discussion [homenet] ULA scope 
> [draft-ietf-6man-rfc3484-revise-05.txt],
> I would like some clear explanation of the actual issues related to routing 
> between hosts in ULA subnets.
> Some people seems to be concerned for a reason that seems pretty unclear to 
> me.

Speaking strictly for myself here...

>From my perspective, you need at least one prefix for use for addressing 
>systems in your home/SOHO/whatever. Multiple prefixes are explicitly supported 
>by the architecture. If you have multiple LANs within the home, they should 
>under normal circumstances be separate /64s taken out of a common less 
>specific prefix, such as a /48, /56, /60, etc.

There are arguments for link-local (fe80::/10) as *the* prefix if you have no 
upstream and and exactly one LAN. I'm not sure I would recommend it for the 
long term, because it can be unmanagable. But for the special case in which one 
is configuring a router that has never been connected to another network, I 
could well imagine finding a way to address it using its link-local address. 
You could use mDNS to translate it from a well-known name like 

If the network has no global prefix (has not ever, or not recently, been 
connected to an IPv6 upstream), and either you WANT to have a non-link-local 
prefix or you have more than one LAN, ULAs are your friend, and I'm not sure 
what else you would use. A ULA is a /48 prefix.

If you do have an assigned prefix from one or more upstreams (or, I suppose, 
have a PI prefix, which would surprise me), you have at least one prefix to use 
that isn't a ULA. It might be a /48, a /56, a /60, or whatever you were 

So, you have one of three obvious prefixes: link-local, a /48 ULA, and s 
globally-routed prefix. Each of those, BTW, has a lifetime. The link-local 
prefix has an infinite lifetime (infinity is still a number), you got a 
lifetime when you got the PA/PI prefix, and you can pick one for your ULA.

Given a prefix, I expect you to allocate a /64 from it for each LAN in your 
home. True whether you are using link-local on one LAN, a ULA, or a global 

I can think of error conditions - race conditions - in which a home might get 
two or more /48 ULAs floating around in it. I would expect that the lifetime 
you place on a ULA eventually clears that up. Until it does, every LAN in your 
home has a /64 from each ULA. However, a persistent condition in which your 
home has more than one /48 ULA floating around in it is a bug. Someone needs to 
fix their code.

The $64,000 question is how /64s will be allocated from the prefix(es) in 
question. If you use DHCP/DHCPv6 (Ralph and my DHCP draft), a system is somehow 
chosen to be the place that DHCP server application runs, and I would suggest 
the CPE router that received the DHCP-PD prefix from the upstream ISP. If 
you're running ZOSPF, some router (and I would suggest the same one) is 
generating an LSA that informs the routers in the home of the prefix they 
should allocate from. If you're doing it manually, do it manually. Whatever the 
mechanism, and whatever the prefix is (or prefixes are), the expectation is the 

Speaking strictly for myself, I think the reason we have had so much trouble 
getting 3484bis right is that it depends on the host to make what amounts to a 
routing decision. The destination address you pick for your peer system forces 
the packet to be delivered to that ISP and to your peer through that ISP's 
interface to the remote network. In a BCP 38 world, the source address you pick 
says that the only exit from your network that actually works is through the 
ISP that allocated that prefix to you (RFC 3704). So, the choice of a source 
and a destination address fixes two points on a line connecting your two 
systems, and that line is a route. But hosts know little to nothing about 
routing, and cannot even predict which egress (if there are more than one) a 
given packet will take. So the host fundamentally lacks the information to make 
an informed choice. RFC 3484 can't be fixed without changing that.

So to my way of thinking, the right solution is Happy Eyeballs, for all 
applications (or, preferably, as an OS API service). It will try routes 
(source/destination pairs) until it finds a pair that works or runs out of 
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