Hi Yiu,
     Let me ask a few questions...

On 5/9/12 10:52 PM, Lee, Yiu wrote:
Hi Carsten,

Thanks very much for reviewing the document. I just want to add a point to
your question about how applications decide when to use this multicast
address format. In fact, they don't. Imagine a use case where a legacy
IPv4 IP-TV receiver (an app) wants to join a channel which is broadcasted
in IPv6. The app will continue to send the igmp-join (say

How does the IPv4 IP-TV know to join

How is advertised to the IPv4 IP-TV clients if the content is generated by an IPv6 source? Does the source need to be configured to use one of these IPv4-in-IPv6 multicast addresses?

There will be a function in the network which is statically configured
that when it receives a igmp-join, it would covert to a corresponding
mld-join. The IPv6 address in the join message will follow what is
described in this draft. This Adaptive Function is transparent to the
application and managed by the network.

Are you limiting this approach to only mapping at the IGMP/MLD protocols?

How does your Adaptive Function know which IPv6 multicast prefix to use when mapping the IPv4 multicast address in the IGMP Report message to MLD?

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