On Tue, 25 Sep 2012, RJ Atkinson wrote:


Work on the RA-Guard specification in another IETF WG
drove the creation of two I-Ds currently in this WG:
        - draft-ietf-6man-nd-extension-headers
        - draft-ietf-6man-oversized-header-chain

The RA Guard work in the other IETF WG is currently
*blocked* pending the 6MAN WG approving the 2 I-Ds above.

In turn, the RA Guard work is a high priority for all kinds
of network operators (i.e. not just ISPs), because it provides
practical risk reduction and risk mitigation for a real-world
operational security issue.

RA Guard implementers can't really move forward until the
RA Guard I-D is approved by the other WG -- which I believe
is at present blocked on the 2 I-Ds at top being approved
by the 6MAN WG.

My understanding is that the technical content in these
2 IPv6 Spec update I-Ds has been presented more than once.

Further, the drafts have been around long enough that active
6MAN WG participants already should have read them.

I am a bit confused about where we stand with these today,
so I have two questions:

- Where does the 6MAN WG stand with these two drafts ?

- How can we move them forward (soon -- i.e. BEFORE the
 next IETF in-person meeting), so that the other active
 IETF work (i.e. RA-Guard) can be unblocked ?

RA-guard work mostly done at v6ops.

Probably drafts should be circulated on v6ops mailing list and have support from there.

- Can these go into WG Last Call now ?



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