As I understand draft-carpenter-ext-transmit, the goal is to make sure
that at least firewalls support the list of extension headers we have
now.  Not all of them were defined in 2460, and so they aren't all

This document basically says we are done defining extension headers, we
have a definitive list.

Bob Hinden said that he felt that the list would not grow very much.  
I think he would have said the same thing about the v4 protocol field in
1990, yet we defined lots of new things afterwards.

Brian says that "this is the best we can do", and I conclude he means
that we are not able demand that standard format extensions headers be

If Brian is saying that this the definitive list of Upper-Layer-Protocol
values, and that we may have new extensions, but not new ULPs, then
maybe this is okay.

Michael Richardson
-on the road-

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