
On 6 November 2012 03:18, Tim Chown <t...@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi,
> I forgot to ask for a 5 min slot for this in Atlanta.
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-chown-6man-tokenised-ipv6-identifiers-02
> The draft describes a way to simplify (a little!) server renumbering in
> SLAAC networks.  Rather than manually configuring a 128-bit address on
> servers, you configure the 64-bit interface identifier, and rely on the RA
> to learn the prefix.
> There was an implementation for Solaris, and a patch for Linux many years
> ago,

A similar scheme can be used for configuring Cisco routers, and can be used
for configuring subnet-part as well as host-part of the IPv6 address.


Addresses may also be defined using the general prefix mechanism, which
separates the aggregated IPv6 prefix bits from the subprefix and host bits.
In this case, the leading bits of the address are defined in a general
prefix, which is globally configured or learned (for example, through use
of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol-Prefix Delegation (DHCP-PD)), and
then applied using the *prefix-name* argument. The subprefix bits and host
bits are defined using the *sub-bits* argument.

The following example shows how to enable IPv6 processing on the interface
and configure an address based on the general prefix called my-prefix and
the directly specified bits:

Router(config-if) *ipv6 address my-prefix 0:0:0:7272::72/64*

Assuming the general prefix named my-prefix has the value of
2001:DB8:2222::/48, then the interface would be configured with the global
address 2001:DB8:2222:7272::72/64.

I have used this on my home Cisco 877W ADSL router.  Config snips are at
ipv6 dhcp client pd NODE-PD rapid-commit
ipv6 address NODE-PD ::1/64

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