On 10 November 2012 10:05, Ammar Salih <ammar.sa...@auis.edu.iq> wrote:
> another good example would be webpage’s language,
> my language will be detected more accurately based on my area rather than my
> country,

This is a very bad idea. There are already mechanisms for determining
preferred languages.  In many cases people don't speak the language of
the area they are located.

>as there are many countries with more than one popular language,
> not mentioning that many ip registrations does not even reflect the traffic
> originating country.

Why does this need to be in the IP header? There already exist
application layer mechanisms for obtaining location information.
Leaving it at the application layer also allows for appropriate
privacy UI controls.

> Routing: Policy based routing, based on geo-location, like routing
> predefined traffic through certain server or path, for different purposes
> (security, manageability, serviceability like choosing language, or routing
> traffic to specific cashing or proxy server based on country .. etc)

This is the only somewhat sane use case I could see for this
information. Even then, location of the originating request isn't
always the correct item to route on.

> Copyright law: It happens when certain media/web content is not allowed in
> certain countries due to copyright law, the current method of determining
> locations is not accurate at all, on other hand, If layer-7 application to
> be used then the user might be able to manipulate the location field, in
> this case (if it’s required in future) the ISP can tag traffic with
> country/city more accurately as traffic passes through ISP’s boarder
> routers.

The user can manipulate or control the lower layer IP traffic too. If
they can't this is an absurd privacy violation.

> Maps, navigation, emergency calls and many other services will be also
> enhanced with accurate locations.

Once again - this should be done at the application layer.

> Response: It does not have to be in every IPv6 header, only when there is
> location update, also the host should have the option of not to send
> location updates.

Didn't you just mention above that information would be added by ISP routers

> Response: For shortest path maybe yes, hops or latency is important, not for
> policy-based routing, in our case you might want to do location-based
> routing, like, routing traffic coming from French speaking users (in
> multi-language country like Canada) to google.fr

I'm not sure what you mean here. It is easy to redirect users from
google.com -> google.fr based on their application layer language

Eitan Adler
IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
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