On 20/11/2012 07:53, Marc Lampo wrote:
> Hello Joel,
> do you mean that
> "because there are already other possibilities for covert channels,
>  this WG should not bother if its work creates yet another one" ?
> In the book "IPv6 Security", lower half of page 32,
>  (ISBN-10: 1-58705-594-5  -  ISBN-13: 978-1-58705-594-2)
> the authors refer to the destination extension header as a "covert channel".
> And quite correctly so, in my opinion :
>   the PadN option allows two parties to exchange arbitrary data
>   that looks, L4 upwards, like HTTP/DNS/ping6
>   (especially DNS - a covert channel by itself ! - is often allowed
> very liberally).

I don't think we should confuse the discussion of firewalls attempting to
prevent malicious attacks with snooping for covert channels. That is a
completely different aspect of security.


> Kind regards,
> Marc
> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 9:01 PM, Joel M. Halpern <j...@joelhalpern.com> wrote:
>> Taking things out of order:
>> If you are really going to lock covert channels, then you will have to block
>> HTTPS except to known sites (and check the hostname against the IP address,
>> etc...)  That has not, and I hope is not, and acceptable design space for
>> the IETF.
>> With regard to unknown extensions and broken implementations, there are two
>> issues.  First, as Brian pointed out earlier, firewalls need to have dates.
>> If you are not willing to do that, then you will be vulnerable anyway.
>> Second, since the firewall does not know what already defined extensions are
>> mis-implemented in some host, you are already vulnerable on this front.  In
>> fact, a broken implementation trying to process something is far more likely
>> than a broken default case.
>> Yours,
>> Joel M. Halpern
>> On 11/19/2012 2:48 PM, Marc Lampo wrote:
>>> Hello Brian,
>>> (as I expected, you were the first to react - didn't let me down on that
>>> one ;-)
>>> We have a different starting point to look at "things" :
>>> as I wrote, one reason for incorrect packets might be
>>> an attacker looking for unexpected behaviour, undesirable side effects.
>>> I understand and appreciate your point of view is sometimes different :
>>> "What is so dangerous about an unknown extension header? The receiving
>>> host will either understand it or drop it."
>>> --> perhaps the attacker looks for an implementation that does poor
>>>      checking on extension header codes or option types.
>>>      If handling is via a table without proper index value checking,
>>>      perhaps such a kernel will crash upon receiving the unexpected
>>> packet.
>>> In my opinion : the firewall is what should protect such a (poor, I
>>> agree) server.
>>>   (because the server behaves correct on known codes and combinations)
>>> --> perhaps both partners do understand the extension header code,
>>>      and (ab)use it to create a hidden data channel
>>>      in a conversation that looks - at layer 4 + upwards - like one thing
>>>      but carries undesired data in the IPv6 header (+ extensions).
>>> Again, in my opinion : what use is any "Data Leakage Prevention" solution
>>>   if security equipment allows unknown extension headers and option codes
>>>   to pass without problem ?
>>> (when refering to multiple fragmentation headers)
>>> "But since any receiving host should obviously drop such
>>> malformed packets, it would be fine for firewalls to drop them too."
>>> --> (we agree there ;-) but according to RFC they are *not* illegal, are
>>> they ?
>>>      RFC 2460 does not forbid two or more fragmentation headers.
>>>      One does not expect them, but again, I'm vigilant for the attacker
>>>      in search of undesired side effects.
>>> And I think we've had, since the 90's a lot of security issues that
>>>   had "unexpected" / "never thought we'd see this combination for real"
>>>   packets arriving at some server.
>>>   (and not only with IP(v4) - also in layer4 and higher (L5-L7) protocols
>>> !)
>>> That is why I feel uncomfortable with any security advice that states :
>>>   check what you understand, and allow what you do not ...
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Marc
>>> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 5:37 PM, Brian E Carpenter
>>> <brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Marc, thanks for the comments.
>>>> On 19/11/2012 10:54, Marc Lampo wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> (didn't see summary of discussion in Atlanta yet,
>>>>>   so bear with me if I would repeat something brought in there)
>>>>> (and my appologies for the long email)
>>>>> Paragraph 4 of the Introduction states :
>>>>> "The main reason for this is that some
>>>>>   firewalls attempt to inspect the transport header or payload."
>>>>> Is this a factual statement or do I read a negative undertone ?
>>>> It's intended to be factual. As described later, the attempt fails
>>>> if the the firewall in question does not follow the entire header
>>>> chain for one reason or another.
>>>>> As a security person, I see the purpose of a firewall is to protect
>>>>> internal assets from potentially dangerous "things" trying to get in.
>>>>> This includes stopping traffic that is not conform to standards.
>>>> Right, and the IPv6 standard says that all extension headers should be
>>>> forwarded. That's exactly the problem.
>>>>> So, to me, "attempting to inspect the transport header or payload"
>>>>> is simply a basis funcionality of the firewall.
>>>>> The draft already addresses the behaviour towards unknown extension
>>>>> headers.
>>>>> The statement, section 2,
>>>>> "If a firewall chooses to discard a packet
>>>>>   containing a defined IPv6 extension header, it MUST be the result of
>>>>>   an explicitly configured firewall policy, and not just the result of
>>>>>   a failure to recognise such a header."
>>>>> seems in contradiction with what a firewall has to do : inspect traffic
>>>>> !
>>>> A firewall that doesn't understand some of the defined headers is clearly
>>>> inadequate to completely inspect the traffic. The requirement for an
>>>> explicit policy is to make sure that the network is transparent by
>>>> default,
>>>> with blocking being a human choice.
>>>>> Because : how can a firewall distinguish between a newly defined
>>>>> extension header or type in an existing header
>>>>> and a potential malicious character combination ?
>>>> My computer annoys me very frequently with security updates. A firewall
>>>> should be updated in the same way, very soon after a new extension is
>>>> defined,
>>>> which will be a great deal less frequent than the discovery of new
>>>> viruses.
>>>>> If a firewall drops extension headers (except fragmentation)
>>>>>   but provides documentation to selectively allow (and verify) others
>>>>> or
>>>>> if a firewall allows extension headers and allows the admin
>>>>>   to seclectively block (known) headers
>>>>> they both lose in case of newly defined headers or option types :
>>>>> The first one has no code to verify,
>>>>> the second one has no provisions (GUI selector) to block.
>>>>> I'd feel safer with the first type of firewall ...
>>>> What is so dangerous about an unknown extension header? The receiving
>>>> host will either understand it or drop it.
>>>>> Anyway, since IPv6 should be considered to be "in production" already,
>>>>> and security equipment is being put in place,
>>>>> I hope we won't see any changes at all in this area at all.
>>>> It's broken today, so we have to do something. This draft attempts
>>>> to repair broken firewalls. Anything else will be much more drastic.
>>>>> Perhaps the appropriate WG should not be to enthousiastic
>>>>> in adding headers or options in the first place ?!
>>>> That would be very sad - the end of innovation in the network layer.
>>>> In fact, the IETF has not been prolific in this area, and won't be,
>>>> unless we can fix the problems caused by firewalls and DOS defence.
>>>>> Another aspect of extension header (verification),
>>>>> not addressed in this draft (nor, after rereading RFC 2460 for this
>>>>> subject)
>>>>> is the fact that rules are defined.
>>>>> RFC 2460 states extension headers have a specific order.
>>>>> What should security equipment do if it detects the order is not
>>>>> respected ?
>>>>>   (some hacker might be searching for obfuscation or undesireable side
>>>>> effects ?)
>>>>> I suggest this draft is completed with statements on this situation.
>>>>>   (presently, it only addresses type and content of extension headers,
>>>>>    not the order)
>>>> This draft is about making the Internet transparent to extensions, so I
>>>> think
>>>> this aspect is out of scope. I'm not sure that there are any attacks
>>>> based on
>>>> misordered extension headers, but if so, I think that deserves a draft of
>>>> its own.
>>>>> And, in the same line of thinking, RFC 2460 does not seem to limit
>>>>> the number of extension headers ?!
>>>> Nor the amount of padding. This is where the fragmentation-based attack
>>>> mentioned in draft-ietf-6man-oversized-header-chain comes from.
>>>>> Since the first field in any extension header is "next header",
>>>>>   nothing prevents an extension header to state the next one is of the
>>>>>   same type !
>>>>> But two consecutive fragmentation headers don't make sense, do they ?
>>>>> Yet, it doesnot seem to be forbidden.
>>>>> (don't say this cannot happen, perhaps it's the hacker, in search
>>>>>   to obfuscate or side effects ...)
>>>> Overlapping fragments are forbidden (RFC 5722) but that is a different
>>>> matter.
>>>> Also see draft-ietf-6man-ipv6-atomic-fragments. Formally forbidding
>>>> multiple fragment headers seems a bit like overkill, since clearly
>>>> no sane host will do that.
>>>> The general issue is discussed in draft-ietf-6man-oversized-header-chain,
>>>> which aims to defeat the fragmentation attack.
>>>>> ((no firewall vendor I've contacted so far has been able to give me a
>>>>>    straight answer on how its product would behave in that situation
>>>>> ...))
>>>> Again, I'm not sure there's a real attack there - if there is, it might
>>>> be an attack against weak firewall code, which frankly I don't care
>>>> about. But since any receiving host should obviously drop such
>>>> malformed packets, it would be fine for firewalls to drop them too.
>>>> The concern is about firewalls that drop well-formed packets!
>>>> Regards,
>>>>      Brian
>>>>> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 12:02 PM, Brian E Carpenter
>>>>> <brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Updated after the discussions in Atlanta. More discussion wanted...
>>>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>>>> Subject: I-D Action: draft-carpenter-6man-ext-transmit-01.txt
>>>>>> Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 02:38:38 -0800
>>>>>> From: internet-dra...@ietf.org
>>>>>> Reply-To: internet-dra...@ietf.org
>>>>>> To: i-d-annou...@ietf.org
>>>>>> A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
>>>>>> directories.
>>>>>>          Title           : Transmission of IPv6 Extension Headers
>>>>>>          Author(s)       : Brian Carpenter
>>>>>>                            Sheng Jiang
>>>>>>          Filename        : draft-carpenter-6man-ext-transmit-01.txt
>>>>>>          Pages           : 8
>>>>>>          Date            : 2012-11-13
>>>>>> Abstract:
>>>>>>     Various IPv6 extension headers have been defined since the IPv6
>>>>>>     standard was first published.  This document updates RFC 2460 to
>>>>>>     clarify how intermediate nodes should deal with such extension
>>>>>>     headers and with any that are defined in future.  It also specifies
>>>>>>     how extension headers should be registered by IANA, with a
>>>>>>     corresponding minor update to RFC 2780.
>>>>>> The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:
>>>>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-carpenter-6man-ext-transmit
>>>>>> There's also a htmlized version available at:
>>>>>> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-carpenter-6man-ext-transmit-01
>>>>>> A diff from the previous version is available at:
>>>>>> http://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-carpenter-6man-ext-transmit-01
>>>>>> Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:
>>>>>> ftp://ftp.ietf.org/internet-drafts/
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>>>>>> Internet-Draft directories: http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html
>>>>>> or ftp://ftp.ietf.org/ietf/1shadow-sites.txt
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