Fernando Gont wrote on 20/1/2013 03:00:
> Hi, Tassos,
> On 01/19/2013 07:49 PM, Tassos Chatzithomaoglou wrote:
>> First of all, i would like to see a reference to cases where the prefix
>> doesn't change too often (since this is recommended by many people for
>> various deployments, i.e. residential dsl) due to mostly renumbering
>> issues. In this case, Privacy Extensions seem to offer an advantage in
>> terms of host tracking.
> This document notes that for the most part, stable-privacy-addresses are
> orthogonal to temporary addresses.
> That aside, the main issue with host tracking is when a host moves from
> one network to another. If you talk about correlation of host activities
> within the same network, then the benefits may be debatable. e.g., if
> you have a single host behind a router, then the use of privacy
> addresses makes no differences.
Can you please elaborate more on the last sentence?
I can have 2 (or more) hosts within the same network, each one belonging to a 
person/floor/family/etc. With temporary addresses i cannot (easily) track each 
one, while
with stable addresses i can.
>> Also, it would be good to include some examples of IIDs produced by an
>> implementation of the proposed algorithm, taking into account various
>> scenarios with common parameters.
> You mean something like what's in slide 21 of
> <http://www.si6networks.com/presentations/brucon2012/fgont-brucon2012-recent-advances-in-ipv6-security.pdf>?
If i understand correctly, those are EUI-64 IIDs.
I was hoping to include some stable IIDs like the ones generated by the 
algorithm, for various combinations of parameters (prefixes, networks, etc).
>> Lastly, in a comment i had made back in March 2012 regarding your draft
>> and source address selection, and now looking at current rfc6724 i can
>> see the following:
>>    Rule 7: Prefer temporary addresses.
>>    If SA is a temporary address and SB is a public address, then prefer
>>    SA.  Similarly, if SB is a temporary address and SA is a public
>>    address, then prefer SB.
>> Although the implementations must provide a mechanism allowing an
>> application to reverse this, if the above is the default behavior
>> meaning that if privacy extensions are enabled, temporary addresses will
>> have preference over your stable addresses, then i think the following 2
>> paragraphs don't apply anymore in your draft. Please correct me if i'm
>> wrong.
>> On the other hand, in scenarios in which "Privacy
>>    Extensions" are employed, implementation of the mechanism described
>>    in this document would mitigate host-scanning attacks and also
>>    mitigate correlation of host activities.
> They would mitigate host-scanning because they eliminate the remaining
> predictable addresses. OTOH, they would mitigate host-tracking, since
> they eliminate IIDs that are constant across networks.
>> On the other hand, in the case of hosts employing "Privacy
>>    Extensions", the method specified in this document would prevent host
>>    scanning attacks 
> For this one, same as above.
>> and correlation of node activities across networks
>>    (see Appendix A 
>> <http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-6man-stable-privacy-addresses-02#appendix-A>).
> This is correct. If anything, the only thing that might still be
> possible is correlation of activities of hosts that belong to the same
> network. However, as noted above, it is debatable the extent to which
> privacy addresses help in this area (please see the corresponding
> references in the I-D).

I see you already describe that in your doc, so i'm ok.

>> ...and some editorial comments...
>> The resulting interface identifiers remain constant/stable for
>>       each prefix used with SLAAC within each subnet.  That is, the
>>       algorithm generates the same interface identifier when configuring
>>       an address belonging to the same prefix within the same subnet.
>> within the same subnet. => within the same subnet (assuming parameters
>> defined in Section 3 remain the same).
> Should we really make this explicit? --If you change the network
> parameters (prefix and/or network_id), you can probably argue that, from
> a "logical" point of view, it's a different network.
What happens if i reboot/power-off-on the host or if i manually change the 
secret key?

>> The resulting Interface
>>        Identifier should be compared against a list of reserved
>>        interface identifiers and to those already employed in an address
>>        of the same network interface and the same network prefix.  In
>>        the event that an unacceptable identifier has been generated,
>>        this situation should be handled in the same way as the case of
>>        duplicate addresses
>> employed in an address of the same network interface and the same
>> network prefix = > employed in an address of another host through the
>> same local network interface and using the same network prefix
> No. This is the job of DAD.
The way it's written, i seems like you expect to have the same host generate 
more than one
stable IIDs for the same interface/prefix.
If that's the case, then i don't think DAD will have any effect, unless a 
loop-back is in effect. And in that case, DAD doesn't consider this a duplicate 

>> Unless, we assume everyone is allowed to use its own list of reserved
>> identifiers.
>> In the event that a DAD conflict cannot be solved (possibly after
>>    trying a number of different addresses), address configuration would
>>    fail.  In those scenarios, nodes MUST NOT automatically fall back to
>>    employing other algorithms for generating interface identifiers.
>> Shouldn't an error message be logged somewhere?
> I wouldn't oppose to this -- however, this is probably "out of scope",
> since DAD failures should also be logged when they happen for addresses
> generated  with other algorithms. (i.e., IMHO, this requirement should
> be in a DAD specification, rather than here).
Agree (DAD already logs this).
>> This document does not require the use of any specific PRF for the
>>    function F() above, since the choice of such PRF is usually a trade-
>>    off between a number of properties (processing requirements, ease of
>>    implementation, possible intellectual property rights, etc.), and
>>    since the best possible choice for F() might be different for
>>    different types of devices (e.g. embedded systems vs. regular
>>    servers) and might possibly change over time.
>> and might possibly change over time => it might possibly change over time
> Isn't the subject implicit?


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