On 02/01/2013 09:41 PM, Joel M. Halpern wrote:
> With regard to section 3, I would ask the question in the reverse.
> (which may actually be the same quewstion Fernando is asking.)
> If we assume that there is value in being able to perform the diagnostic
> operation described, then it seems that one needs to be able to tell
> when it can be applied.
> Currently, that is u==1 in the IID field.
> The text says that u==1 must be used n the IID field for IIDs derived
> from EUI-64.
> But it the goes on to say that u=1 can be used by other addresses.
> If u=1 can be used by addresses not derived from EUI-64, then the
> diagnostic operation can not be applied without a-priori knowledge.
> And in the presence of such knowledge, the u bit does not seem to help.
> The obvious answer is that to enable the diagnostic, and because there
> is no need to make a gratuitous change, we stick with u=1 being used
> always and only for addresses derived from EUI-64.

But if we enforce u=1 only for IIDS based on EUI-64, there might be
other IIDs generated with some other mechanism, that lead to IIDs with
such bit set to 1.

Unless u=1 is enforced for all identifiers, chances are that eventually
some other technology will generate an IID with u==1, and one would
mistakenly assume that such IID was based on IEEE identifiers...

(yes, in order for such "collisions" to occur, u would have to be 1, and
the other technology would also have to produce the 0xfffe we currently
insert to generate the Modified EUI64 identifiers... but "s* happens",
they say...)

Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fg...@si6networks.com
PGP Fingerprint: 6666 31C6 D484 63B2 8FB1 E3C4 AE25 0D55 1D4E 7492

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