>>>>> "Jari" == Jari Arkko <jari.ar...@piuha.net> writes:
    >> What is it that you don't understand. I will be happy to explain
    >> it to you.

    Jari> Thanks. I read the details, but I'm missing the big
    Jari> picture. I.e., some effort is required from the owner to
    Jari> create an address. By repeating that effort (2^59)/2 times,
    Jari> someone else is likely to hit the same key with a key pair
    Jari> that he or she controls, and an attack can be launched. What
    Jari> changes from RFC 3972 to your draft in this high-level
    Jari> analysis?

To repeat your analysis, in part so that *I* understand as well:

  a) CGA too expensive (generating new RSA) to calculate for nodes that
     want mobility and/or privacy.
  b) finding a hash collision takes, (2^59)/2 < effort to break RSA
     behind CGA.

So the expensive of the CGA exceeds the (cryptographic) benefit.

(a) is a concern for nodes that are moving, not for web servers.
(b) makes CGA possibly uninteresting even web servers.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [ 
]     m...@sandelman.ca  http://www.sandelman.ca/        |   ruby on rails    [ 

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