On 2013-03-29 08:49 , Jeroen Massar wrote:
> On 2013-03-29 08:38 , Mark Smith wrote:
>> There seems to be multi-hour delays to the 6...@ietf.org mailing
>> address, a copy for reference. I'll make sure all future replies are
>> to ipv6@ietf.org.
> That is because you are sending mails without directly sending it to
> ipv6@ietf.org it seems, as such it gets trapped in Mailman with:

And seeing the mail more closely, you are sending to 6...@ietf.org,
which is apparently aliased and is the right name for the WG, though the
list name is ipv6@....

I've kicked mailman so that it handles 6man@ as an alias, that should
resolve this issue.


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