Le 2013-04-08 01:13, Andrew McGregor a écrit :
There is an issue with using a MAC-based link local address on an
interface that does not have that MAC address, which is that any other
interface using that MAC that turns up is going to fail DAD.  Normally
this will be another interface on the same device, but even then it can
be an issue.  Therefore it is better guidance to say that one should
simply change link locals at the time one changes the MAC address... not
necessarily to a MAC-derived address, but it is impolite to continue to
use the old link local.

What if I *want* to keep the address? For example, what if I want to preserve established TCP sessions?

I think once you start playing with MAC addresses, you are expected to know what you're doing. Both generating a new address and keeping the old one can be desirable depending on what you want to accomplish. I don't see any value in a generic recommendation here, beyond the usual "this may void your warranty". ;)

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