> The aim of this draft is to adapt the current RFC to the latest European law
> http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-12-46_en.htm?locale=en 

Can you please identify the exact clause in the proposed EU regulation
that would require pseudo-random IIDs that change when the subnet
prefix changes?

All I can see in the EU PR release is a hint that "your computer's IP
address" might be considered to be personal data, and might therefore
be covered by privacy regulations.

Even if you can identify the exact clause, we don't normally take
account of specific national or regional legislation in IETF standards.
I think the scarecrow references to EU regulation should be deleted.

It would be more useful if the draft contained a threat analysis.
As far as I can see, if I set the RFC 4941 timer to a reasonable
value, my IID will change much more often than my subnet prefix.

I don't understand the concern about CGA. A network that uses SEND
is highly unlikely to allow RFC 4941.

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