Hi Bob,
> >
> > As far as I can see, if I set the RFC 4941 timer to a reasonable
> > value, my IID will change much more often than my subnet prefix.
> >
> I would like to see the answer to Brian's comment, I didn't see a response
to it
> in the thread.

That is true. But the problem that I address is not why my IID does not
change within the same subnet prefix. The problem is, based on this RFC,
that it is not mandatory to change the IID when my node receives a new
prefix. This is because it depends on the lifetime it receives from the RA.
If the RA message says that my node might extend its lifetime, then the node
does it while the IID is still valid (max lifetime). This means that when
the lifetime is still valid and the new prefix uses this option, my IID will
not change to a different prefix. What I added to my draft is that I set a
mandatory priority on the IID lifetime. When it receives a new prefix,
regardless of its own lifetime or on the lifetime that it received from the
prefix, it MUST generate a new IID and change the status of the current IID
to deprecated. This means that the node, after that, is not allowed to open
any new sessions (will change it to new connections) using the old IID, but
it can maintain its connection with the old IID.

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