Disclaimer: haven't read all the prior list discussion so don't know if this 
duplicates some existing discussion.

I have some fundamental problems with this document as is.

I will concentrate on sections 1, 2, and Appendix B, being the 
as opposed to the technical details.

Let's start with B.1.1, which attempts to motivate a desire to prevent tracking 
hosts across networks
using their public address(es):
>   Some time later, the same host moves to a completely different
>   network, and employs the same P2P application, probably even with a
>   different username.  The attacker now interacts with the same host
>   again, and hence can learn its newly-configured stable address.
>   Since the Interface Identifier is the same as the one used before,
>   the attacker can infer that it is communicating with the same device
>   as before.

The above text convolutes two orthogonal issues: higher-layer ID (username in 
this case) and
location.   The higher-layer ID in other apps would be the DNS name, but here 
the text uses
the username, though even in P2P applications the higher-layer ID used to 
resolve an application
or piece of content would already be stable, and the question is what you can 
link it to.
If you have two addresses that simultaneously or over time are associated with 
the same 
higher-layer ID, then those two addresses can be linked.  Separate is the issue 
of location.
Once you have a stable higher-layer ID that anyone can resolve as you move 
changing the address linked to it doesn't provide any additional privacy 

So one problem with the quoted text is that it does not address the problem of
"a different username" not having a different address (when not moving) and 
the two higher-layer IDs can be linked using a common address.   Whether one 
moves or not
is a separate issue.

If unlinkability between two location is desired, then it's key that there be 
no higher-layer ID
in common that can be linked to both addresses.

Furthermore, this notion of unlinkability is that privacy addresses were 
designed for.
The first paragraph in B.1.1 implies that one would not want to use privacy 
addresses in
a P2P scenario, and then goes on to talk about why you lose privacy.   That's 
faulty logic in my view.
Privacy or lack of privacy is an explicit decision the application or 
administrator can make.
If you opt out of it, you can't complain that you don't have it.

So if the P2P app opted to use public addresses because the app is already 
using a 
higher-layer ID that can be resolved to the addresses it will use then no 
privacy is lost that
wasn't already lost by using the higher-layer ID (which was linkable to the 

The same issue occurs with B.1.2 and B.1.3.

I *do* agree with the address scan prevention goal.   This is why Windows has 
for the last
10 years used random (not MAC-derived) public (not just temporary) addresses 
using the
algorithm in 4941.   The IETF works on rough consensus and running code.   We 
have running
code for over a decade now that's widely deployed (it's the default on all 
Windows machines
from XPSP3 onwards).   I would fully support an RFC that uses random public 
(stable) addresses.

But I see no justification for having public addresses (linkable from DNS 
names, etc.) that
vary by network location.   Nor do I see any justification for having 
link-local addresses
(linkable to MAC addresses via ND) that vary by network location.

I think this comes down to fundamental disagreements on what a public address 
A public address is one intended to be resolvable from higher-layer IDs such as 
DNS names.
A privacy address is one either (a) not intended to be resolvable from 
higher-layer IDs, OR
(b) one resolvable only from a higher-layer ID that is invented for that 
address and only ever
resolvable to that single address (example: the ipv6-literal.net form of the 
address.  See

The doc says that apps wanting "server-like" functions use public addresses.   
The key is in
defining what that means, and I'll fully agree it would make more sense to have 
more guidance
in this area.   But specifically "server-like" should be "makes the address 
linkable to a higher-layer
ID whose lifetime or scope is more than just that one address".  In the IAB 
documents, we try
to clarify this notion of linkability.

Once you agree on that definition, I think this notion of public addresses that 
vary by location
does not appear to be useful.   Rather than standardizing an ill-motivated 
notion, I would 
rather see the WG focus on publishing an RFC focusing on the address scanning 
that solves it in a way that we already have over a decade of operational 
experience with,
which is long overdue.  In doing so, the same doc could provide additional 
clarifications on
when to choose public vs privacy addresses.


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