Hi Fernando,
At 13:02 06-06-2013, Fernando Gont wrote:
I'd personally prefer this not to be in the body of the document. For
the most part, because I think that we might benefit of a separate
document that does an analysis of all IID generation techniques, rather
than only this one (I had planned to wok on such a document even before
this whole discussion came up). To some extent, including such whole
discussion here looks a bit side-tracking.

My preference would be to have the threat model in one place followed by the discussion of which threats are addressed or not addressed. If the level of detail is a distraction I would move some of that text to an Appendix. Another alternative is to discuss about the threats under Security Considerations.

As a reader I would look for the reason to implement what's in draft-ietf-6man-stable-privacy-addresses-09 and how it is done. I am ok with what you prefer in terms of document organization.

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