On 06/13/2013 01:17 AM, Randy Bush wrote:
FWIW, I don't think anyone has proposed "if the chain is larger than X,
then drop".

i am saying that i am telling my neighbor that, if the header length is
larger than X, it is likely that their packet will not propagate.  it's
an ops bcp statement, not a statement of ipv6 protocol definition.

same as telling them that a bgp announcement of a prefix longer than a
/24 likely will not propagete.

today, real routers really do drop packets with headers longer than
various limits.  as an op, i am trying to remove the surprise in the

I agree with Randy, providing guidance on this topic will be very helpful, and BCP is the right category.

As for what the number should be, if 256 is in the 80th percentile or higher of Warren's survey, that should be fine. A few vendors who are examining less than that now may be encouraged to increase up to 256 knowing that they have a reasonable upper bound to shoot for, as opposed to an arbitrarily large number that varies from implementation to implementation.


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