On 23/07/2013 12:28, JINMEI Tatuya wrote:
> At Thu, 18 Jul 2013 15:11:00 -0700,

> I think this draft is generally well written and good to be advanced
> (although I personally don't have a strong opinion on what's proposed
> in the draft).
> I have one comment that may improve the clarity of the document: the
> latter half of Section 4 is not very understandable to me:
>    There is one case in RFC 4862 that requires additional consideration:
>    "On the other hand, if the duplicate link-local address is not formed
>     from an interface identifier based on the hardware address, which is
>     supposed to be uniquely assigned, IP operation on the interface MAY
>     be continued."

To be honest, I have great difficulty understanding this sentence,
because I can't imagine any case in which continuing operation would
be OK. It seems to me that disaster is guaranteed. However, somebody
in the WG asked us to discuss this case.

>    However, as mentioned above, some methods of IID formation might
>    produce IID values with "u" = "g" = 0 that are not based on a MAC
>    (hardware) address.  With very low probability, such a value might
>    collide with an IID based on a MAC address.  There is no algorithm
>    for determining whether this case has arisen, rather than a genuine
>    MAC address collision.  Implementers should carefully consider the
>    consequences of continuing IPv6 operation on the interface in this
>    unlikely situation.
> First, as already noted in this thread, the notation of '"u" = "g" = 0'
> is confusing and should better be clarified.  I guess the intent is
> "IID values whose position 6 is 1 and position 7 is 0".  But
> then...I'm still not really sure what this paragraph tries to
> suggest.  Is it talking about something like this?
> - A node N creates an IID not based on a MAC address but its position 6
>   is 1 and position 7 is 0.
> - Node N then creates a link-local address using the IID, and
>   performs DAD, which detects a duplicate.
> - The other address that collides with N's address might be created
>   from a MAC address (name it "MAC1")
> - And, it might also be possible that N's MAC address is actually
>   MAC1. (So, even if N's IID was not created on that MAC address, the
>   result would have been the same).
> - Since we cannot eliminate this possibility, we should be careful
>   before continuing IP(v6) operation (as allowed with MAY by RFC 4862,
>   since this link-local address was "not created based on the MAC
>   address").
> If so...I don't see much point in noting that explicitly.

That's the intended meaning. As I said, somebody asked us to
discuss it. If the WG agrees with you, we can remove it.

> The main intent of this part of RFC 4862 was that if a link-local
> address created based on a MAC address is detected to be a duplicate,
> that very strongly suggests there's MAC address collision, and it's
> better to take some specific action (i.e, disabling the IP operation).
> In all other cases, the IP address duplicate may or may not be because
> of MAC address collision, and since there's no strong indication of
> MAC address collision, RFC 4862 leaves it to the implementor (hence
> the MAY).

But it doesn't matter. If you have duplicate IIDs, you have
unintentionally created a link-local anycast address, whether it's
MAC collision or otherwise. Surely there is no way forward?

> There's always a possibility that duplicated IP address identified via
> DAD is actually because of duplicate MAC address, even if the way of
> creating the IID does not directly suggest so.  In that sense it
> wouldn't be bad to raise consideration on the consequence of
> continuing the IP operation after a duplicate address is detected.
> But, that doesn't seem to be very specific to the context of the ug
> bit discussion.  And, recalling the original intent of RFC 4862,
> explicitly mentioning the obvious sounds a bit awkward to me and even
> tries to update the sense of the RFC.

Well yes, I would actually be happier if 4862 said SHOULD NOT
instead of MAY, because that requires a good reason to ignore it.
But we didn't want to open up 4862.

> So, unless that (updating RFC 4862 in addition 4291) is the point of
> this paragraph(s), my first suggestion is simply remove it.
> If the intent is to update RFC 4862, I think the draft needs to
> explicitly say so.  And, at least the description should be clearer
> (at least to me it was very difficult to understand what it tries to
> say).

Sure, if the WG wants to keep this, we will improve the text.


> ---
> JINMEI, Tatuya
> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Bob Hinden <bob.hin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> All,
>> This message starts a two week 6MAN Working Group on advancing:
>>         Title           : Transmission of IPv6 Extension Headers
>>         Author(s)       : Brian Carpenter
>>                           Sheng Jiang
>>         Filename        : draft-ietf-6man-ext-transmit-01.txt
>>         Pages           : 9
>>         Date            : 2013-05-29
>>         http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-6man-ext-transmit-01
>> as a Proposed Standard.  Substantive comments and statements of support for 
>> advancing this document should be directed to the mailing list.  Editorial 
>> suggestions can be sent to the author.  This last call will end on 1 August 
>> 2013.
>> The chairs would also like to solicit a few people to do a detailed review 
>> of this document.  Please contact the chairs directly.
>> Regards,
>> Bob Hinden & Ole Trøan
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>> ipv6@ietf.org
>> Administrative Requests: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipv6
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> IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
> ipv6@ietf.org
> Administrative Requests: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipv6
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