On 19.07.2013 00:11, Bob Hinden wrote:
>         http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-6man-ug-01
> as a Proposed Standard.  Substantive comments and statements of support for 
> advancing this document should be directed to the mailing list.  Editorial 
> suggestions can be sent to the author.  This last call will end on 1 August 
> 2013.

Support to advance.

Minor comment:
I found the last statements in section 4 slightly confusing:
   There is no algorithm
   for determining whether this case has arisen, rather than a genuine
   MAC address collision.  Implementers should carefully consider the
   consequences of continuing IPv6 operation on the interface in this
   unlikely situation.

1.) DAD should actually detect that collision
2.) Continuing IPv6 operation with different addresses may be fine, but
    I don't see any reason to continue operation with the colliding
    address (or wasn't that what you meant?).


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