
This message starts the second two week 6MAN Working Group on advancing:

        Title           : Packet loss resiliency for Router Solicitations
        Author(s)    : S. Krishnan, D. Anipko, D. Thaler
        Filename    : draft-ietf-6man-resilient-rs-01
        Pages        : 6
        Date          : 2013-05-06

as a Proposed Standard.  Substantive comments and statements of support for 
advancing this document should be directed to the mailing list. Editorial 
suggestions can be sent to the authors.  This last call will end on September 
6, 2013.

The chairs would like to solicit one or two people in the working group to do a 
detailed review of the document. We would also encourage volunteers to act as 
document shepherds. Please contact the chairs directly.


Bob Hinden & Ole Trøan
IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
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