The new KCKK/1510 site was built to 50 kw standards including a Harris
3DX50 transmitter. We put in the usual 120 1/4-wave (165 feet) copper
radials under each of the 4 towers. Those were covered by an inch of
dirt that had been scraped from the site to create a level surface. Then
we went in between those and put in another set of 120 radials each
about 25 feet long. All 240 radials originate at a solder connection on
a 3/4-inch copper pipe that encircles the tower base. This is connected
to the antenna tuning unit for that tower by a 6-inch copper strap. The
outer ends of the shorter radials are soldered to another 3/4-inch
copper pipe that completely encircles each tower (that's a lot of copper
pipe!). This simulates a ground screen around the base of each tower.
The second set of radials was covered by another 1 to 2 inches of dirt.
I believe the figure I heard was that we buried over 92,000 feet of
copper wire! We also ran 4-inch copper strap through all of the trenches
alongside the PVC conduit for the coax. All of the tuning units, tower
bases, ground radials, the phasor, main and backup transmitters, and
even the metal transmitter building and the metal tuning houses are all
tied together for a common ground.

Patrick Griffith, Westminster CO
Broadcast Technician
NRC Broadcasting - Denver

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