
I remember a story Chuck Boehnke told me about a pirate on FM in Hawaii
about 10 years ago. It was a pirate run by local Hawaiians that were
quite anti American. Anyway, some station in Hawaii reported them. The
local FCC offical did not do anything much as he did not want to deal
with it. So, a bunch a officals showed up from the mainland in Honolulu
and contacted the local FCC offical. The guy suggested that the FCC do
nothing about it as they were not causing QRM to any local station and
he said this would be a mess.  The FCC officals from the mainland said
they should shut it down and were quite pushy about it. The local FCC
guy "OK, but I warned you."  Well, the FCC went out to the pirate and
were confronted with a very hostile group of Hawaiianswith rifles and
the like and they ordered the FCC off their property. Well, the mainland
FCC officals left and contacted the local marshells and their attitude
was much the same  as the local FCC offical and not want to mess with
them. So, the FCC officals from the mainland flew back. It could have
been a real mess, maybe bloodshed too. I don't think the FCC wanted to
start a incident. The local pirate was running Hawaiian news and
programming. I have no idea if the pirate is still in operation or not.
So guess at least in this case with a thing of white Americans vs native
Hawaiians, it could have been a real mess. I can just see the news media
getting a hold of this. 



Patrick Martin
KAVT Reception Manager

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