> Still - the greatest puzzle of all is why they are flip-flopping with it.

As I've been saying on other lists, nighttime AM IBOC is still 
experimental, in fact if not by law. While I have no hard knowledge to 
prove this, and very few of the industry folks who'd know are talking, I 
strongly suspect that many stations that have been on-and-off with the 
system are participating in some sort of coordinated testing to see what 
the real effects of the system might be.

In the particular case of KGO, where Marty's been noting the IBOC going 
on and off at different dayparts, I think the reason may be a different 
one - the 8-second delay. It wouldn't surprise me if someone out in the 
field - traffic reporters? news reporters? - is still listening to KGO 
over the air to get their cues to go live on the air. That, obviously, 
doesn't work with the IBOC delay, and it's not always quick or easy to 
find an alternate way to cue talent in the field, especially when 
they're a mile in the air. I believe Marty said KGO has had its IBOC off 
during morning and afternoon drive times. This would be consistent with 
that theory.

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