Why give iBLOC/HD so much power? HD jamming will kill radio? How? We're 
speaking out. Many post on 'anti-iboc'  - objective - websites. Our actions, 
those of radio pundits, analog broadcasters, and concerned listeners have by no 
means passed unnoticed.
  Wall Street has at last kicked BigKorpseorate radio off its big, fat, 
crackcash sugarteat. Good for real broadcasters. Not so good for kronykasters.
Isn't human imperfection cruel? We exclaim all is lost, always, when within 
sight of land.
No time to quit. TeamBLOC is on the ropes. They're flailing,  yet again 
trying to marginalize jamming with that tedious old canard re HD only affects 

My foot. HD affects everyone, within and without the United States. 
HD affects the treasure known as public airwaves.
  Why does TeamBLOC think we'll stand idly by as they jam radio to ruin with 
putrid, putrescent, shrieking noise? 
Don't they have a gift for delusion?
They'd love it if 'radio is dead' notion catches on. Then, in 90s tradition, 
they could shutter their lackluster stations and peddle off 'their' spectrum 
to our 'partners in prosperity'.
Never did they expect to get caught. They counted upon slicking HD past all 
of us, throwing a switch, and jamming competitors to ruin and listeners to 
As one ordinary listener states, 'I have to buy an HD radio for each car, and 
several for the house. The ones we have work fine, and there's nothing on HD 
streams worth hearing.
Does that sound like 'sweeping the country'? 
HD won't kill radio. HD, as do all schemes, carries within the seeds of its 
unravelling. HD jamming, and apologists' callous dismissals, will finish iBLOC 
all by themselves.
                                                   paul vincent zecchino
manaprophesyin' key, fl

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