>  IBOC will kill AM radio. No doubt about it in my mind.

The thing that you guys have to keep in mind is:

IBOC took time, money and engineering to get here.
IBOC requires that engineers run a better show.
It means less splatter.
It takes continuing resources, energy and money keeping
the process running.
If no one buys the radios, the engineers will stop
running the digital signal.

I mean, if you think about how centralized the media has
become - I cite cases where the FCC has fined stations
for running their entire operation out of an outhouse-sized
shack with one phone line and feeder cable to the antenna attached -
then it stands to reason that ALL of America's AM transmitters
are not going to be shoe-boxed into this new digital age.

If there are no dollars, then there will be no continuing
commitment. It is that simple.

We all need to take a deep breath, go hang out on Shortwave
or Long-wave for a while - or fly kites or RC Heli
and forget IBOC for a while.
Trust me: If you come back in a year, I think you will
be entirely surprised and pleased where it has all gone.

And yes - I know. I am blessed with a location up in the
North-west... on the Pacific far and away from the
bulk of the hash and interference.

Colin Newell - Editor/Creator
www.coffeecrew.com | www.dxer.ca
Web-Design / E-Commerce / Writing

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