
Thanks for the info! One thing I liked about the case that Colin  
shows in his pictures was the similarity to my TenTec RX-320 case.  
Your idea of remoting the LEDs is helpful, too.  There are some files  
on the SDR-IQ Yahoo group site showing Hammond boxes (specifically  
the 1455N1201 part) that I'll have to check out. They have the ribbed  
slots on the inside to hold the board like yours.



> Hi Brett,
> I was the original purchaser of that enclosure, and had planned to  
> do the
> SDR-IQ installation in it for Walt. I ran out of time, and had to  
> deliver
> Walt's SDR-IQ to him at the QCI DXpedition without the case work.  
> I'm glad
> that Colin was able to wrap it up in short order for him.
> As you have seen from the photos, the enclosure has nice rounded  
> corners and
> a black anodized finish, and a ribbed interior for holding circuit  
> boards of
> the correct width. (The SDR-IQ's board width is a bit too narrow  
> for this
> method.) If I recall correctly, I purchased the enclosure at the  
> Seattle
> area Fry's Electronics over a year ago for around $25, and had it  
> on hand
> when Walt's SDR-IQ arrived at my shack. I haven't seen that case style
> lately at Fry's so they may no longer carry it.
> My plan was to "remote" the LEDs from the PCB via some short  
> lengths of
> hookup wire, and attach the LEDs to the front panel through tight- 
> fitting
> holes. I hadn't thought of shortening the case length like Colin  
> did. The
> case was originally about 6 inches long.
> Radio Shack's "nibbler" tool is a great way to make square-cornered  
> holes
> and panel openings such as for the USB port. I'm not sure if Colin  
> used this
> or a similar tool; it was a real help for finishing my SDR-1000/ 
> HPSDR's new
> case.
> Many months ago, RFSpace had offered their own enclosure to the  
> original 200
> pre-production SDR-IQ purchasers for the attractive price of $50,  
> but to my
> knowledge they never followed through with this. Quite a few early  
> purchasers have given up hope that the company will follow through  
> on their
> offer :^(
> Guy Atkins
> Puyallup, WA
> ------------------------------
> Message: 9
> Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 19:44:08 -0400
> From: "Brett Saylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [IRCA] Housing the RF-Space SDR-IQ
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],        "Mailing list for the International Radio Club
>       of America"     <>
> Colin,
> Can you tell me what the manufacturer and part number is for the  
> case that
> you used? I have a bare board and need to make a case, too.
> Thanks!
> Brett Saylor

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