Good evening IRCA members - contrary
to rumor, I have not left the planet in search
of better DX... although it wouldn't hurt in light
how how conditions have been this Spring.

I am currently paging Eric Floden of Vancouver -
E-mail me off list please.

Current projects: Working on a documentary with
Ian McFarland, Bob Zanotti, Jeff White, Kim Elliot,
John Figliozzi and a cast of active radio listeners -
A 2-CD set will be available within a month or so.

Details on

I will be spending almost a month on the Big Island of
Hawaii in November - getting back to some much needed radio

Best 73,

Colin Newell - Editor - CoffeeCrew DOT Com ---
Victoria, British Columbia - Blog - Coffee DOT BC DOT CA
DXer DOT CA and Bob Harris DOT Com

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