Well, definitely a step down from yesterday.  Started listening at 1350UT, and 
although things became more readable around 1415 (splatter fading down plus 
some real signal strength increase), the sheer volume of channels with signals 
was down, as was overall strength, and nothing too unusual was heard.   One 
thing of interest is that at 1618UT, there was still weak audio on 1287, so 
winter is coming.  (local sunrise is 1435UT)

pretty darn good audio (at least briefly): 

279 R. Rosii
594 JOAK  
747 JOIB but not until 1420UT
774 JOUB
828 JOBB  but only briefly, usually at a lower level this morning
1287 JOHR, actually not really strong, but quite clear, 1436UT
1575 VoA

reasonable audio  at  times during the period (though often battling w/splash 
or noise):

567 JOIK //594 at 1406
603 HLSA seemed// 558  but it was the weaker station; the other had music, so 
no idea
666 JOBK //594, had a couple of pretty good peaks
675 Vietnam //weaker 5975 at 1415
702 hum , N. Korea //2850, NHK2 under
738 mx at 1435UT
945 CNR-1 at 1427
954 JOKR w/JJ talk at 1439
972 HLCA, big carrier

not so reasonable audio, occasional words in splash or noise: 

153//189 R. Rossii  
531 JOQG//594
558 usual mix JJ/KK
639 CNR1, 2 or 3 second delay from 5030
657 hum and N. Korea
936 CC
846 //594 at 1423, so NHK1 synchros, but trading places w/possible KBS station 
as well, so tough copy
1161 at 1410, but mx, so no hope of ID
1269 briefly at this level, and seemed //1287, but quickly gone, so not quite a 
1377 CNR1
1503 JOUK //594
1512 sounded like CC talk at 1419UT
1566 HLAZ presumed w/big carrier

Burbles in the splatter and noise:

837 CC?
855 mostly hum
873 w/hum, so N. Korea in there somewhere
891 pretty sure this talk was //594 at 1430UT, if so, JOHK.  A great catch 9 
kHz from local CKMO-900
1098 (Asiatic bearing)
1143 CC?
1215 CC?
1386 maybe a CC / JJ mix?

Strongish het, no audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter):


best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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