Hello All,
The modest band reported by Colin suddenly came alive here around 1420, and 
 several UnID TP mysteries that have continued for days were finally  
Thanks to John and Chuck, (and a few snatches of live Korean this morning)  
the constant-music 1107 kHz station was finally identified as the 10 kw MBC 
 station HLAV. This was a very tough one to ID, and without the help from 
John  and Chuck (who mentioned that the station is never very strong, even at 
 Grayland), it probably would have stayed UnID indefinitely. It had been  
rising above the noise level occasionally for four days straight, usually  
with western-type music. 
In another mystery, the weak signal on 1125 kHz suddenly became  strong 
Mandarin Chinese conversational audio at 1423, indicating the  identity as one 
of the two Chinese stations on the frequency. This was  another weak mystery 
that had dragged on for days.
Finally, during the same short TP surge around 1425, CNR1 in Mandarin  
Chinese joined the KBS station on 1134, with both of them about equal in  
strength. This was the first time to hear China on 1134 kHz here, which is  
usually dominated by KBS (and occasionally JOQR).
So the morning was actually very productive here (on the 9' box loop), even 
 though it sounded mediocre until around 1415. Even the weather 
cooperated-- the  rain held off until 1440, when the TP-chasing fun next to the 
loop (in the  back yard) was over :-)
73, Gary DeBock
Spotting receiver: Modified ICF-2010 (30" loopstick)
Main receiver: Modified C.Crane SWP (7.5" Slider loopstick + CFJ455K5  IF 
9' PVC-frame tuned passive loop (in the back yard)
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