
You did  better than I this morning.  See below.


John H. Bryant wrote:
In truth, by body count standards, it was a poor morning... About half the "normal" number in audio, high and low and generally, the audio was poor. On the other hand, there were some real interesting things.

639 CNR1 was walking tall most of my 1440-1525 morning
They were cowering in the corner here. Just a carrier today. I usually get decent audio from them until KCIS switches to the daytime transmitter

828: a bit after 1500, it was probably Beijing Business Radio with another CC beneath. I presume that NHK2 was off by then

882: Who was that masked man?

918: BIG echos on the usual Shandong at 1450

1098: I'm pretty sure that it was Radio Taiwan International doing much better than usual, with 4+1 pips and nice TOH routine at 1500
I had someone talking at 1455, but didn't record that part of the band after that. The language was decidedly not Chinese or Japanese. My brain wanted to say Mongolian, but that was probably just wishful thinking. I had unlisted CRI here at Grayland in early March, with theme music & ID in Chinese - I'm still trying to figure that one out.

1575: Radio Farda, presumed, was putting in some ME music under VOA at 1525.

But the big one was, around 1515, who the heck was on 594???? I had no other channel with presumed NHK1 on it in audio and what I had on 594 was NOT Japanese. It was also not standard Chinese and it was not Korean..... further, it had a distinct ECHO. My best guess would be Taiwan, there are three transmitters there, two with the same program... Taipei 2. I should have tried to // this on the 'net, but I did not. ANY IDEAS!!! I don't think that it was Mayak, either. Recording on request.
Can't help you much there...I recorded that part of the band at that time but had only a carrier at 1515. I was doing good to hear the time pips and a few syllables of talking at 1500, which is very unusual for them here.

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