UTC -  FREQ -- STATION -- Details

0926 - 1116 - AUS-Brisbane - EE Talk and several great IDs
 recorded - will post later on dxer.ca
0933 - 1008 - NHK Osaka - Bg signal with JJ chatter
0938 - 1179 - MBS Osaka - " "  " " " huge
0939 - 1197 - CC Unid
0940 - 1242 - NBS Tokyo + others
0942 - 1314 - JOUF Osaka - JJ talk - really good
0943 - 1377 - CNR assume the CC competing with some other stations
0944 - 1386 - Auckland, Tarana - w/ Eastern-Hindi programming
not really monopolizing the channel -- looking for DXCR Philippines
here - good luck with that...
0946 - 1512 - UNID - sounding Tagalog to my ears - will post a sound byte
0947 - 1566 - S. Korea - truly one of the loudest TPs on the band - a
solid 10db over S9 - very, very low modulation at this hour w/ EE programming
underneath + one other
0958 - 810 - Russian - other common channel where I was hearing RR was on
576. LW has 279, 234, 189 as regulars - buried in some local noise
1001 - 1233 - ABC Newcastle - assume 2NC w/ EE programming
1004 - 738 - China/Taiwan - no sign of Tahiti (and they rule the earlier
 part of the evening...
1007 - 1116 - Brisbane, Australia - totally ruling this channel
 with regular ID's, ads and local stories - really good MP3s of this.

ETON E1 - Wellbook ALA100M - 15' of wire wrapped around one of the balcony

Kona, Hawaii, at the Hale Kona Kai beachfront condo.

Colin Newell - Editor - CoffeeCrew DOT Com ---
Victoria, British Columbia - Blog - Coffee DOT BC DOT CA
DXer DOT CA and Bob Harris DOT Com

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