All times and dates strictly UT [4 hours ahead of `ELT`]. Rx: mostly DX-398 
with internal antenna only; or Sony SRF-59 as specified; Nissan stock caradio 
as specified; FRG-7 as specified

These logs are excerpts from my daily all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also 
VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham, which may be found in several archives 
without much delay, such as

And compiled weekly along with extensive news from many other individuals and 
publications in DX LISTENING DIGEST:

All my MW DX reports starting two years ago are archived in this forum with 
open access:

These logs are in four sexions, Canada [if any], Oklahoma [if any], rest of 
USA, unidentified, separated by ======= Within each, they are in frequency order

** OKLAHOMA. 930, Sept 8 at 1156 UT, WKY OKC is already in Sunday-morning 
English talkshow instead of Indomable Spanish music; I thought English started 
at 1200. Guest from Paragon Fine Homes emphasizing safe rooms vs tornadoes, and 
homes made of concrete instead of wood for durability, no termite threat 
either. Hard to tell if this is a genuine pubaffs show or infomercial; the host 
is so enthusiastic about the product. Continues past 1200, and at next check 
1212 another topic, 6-week seminar on relationships at Chapel Hill UM Church 

** OKLAHOMA. 1300, Sept 8 at 1222 UT, KAKC Tulsa Sunday-morning pubaffs ghetto 
show with guest from the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, about their 
Restaurant Week promotion; see TulsaRW on Facebook. Then I am hearing the same 
show but far from synchrony, on co-owned otherwise sports stations, 1430 KTBZ. 
THEN, it sounds like the same show yet again and unsynchronized on 1170 KFAQ, 
which is not co-owned (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


** U S A. 650, Sept 11 from 0500 UT I am hoping to catch an ID for the 24/7 
Comedy station I heard last night, but too much WSM now, and nothing else 
copiable when it`s nulled. 0508, WSM is playing the Star Spangled Banner in a 
solo vocal version, segué to America the Beautiful. Do they do this every 
night? No, probably just for 9/11, as Marcía was talking about that in a few 
minutes, the rest of the night to be patriotic music inspired by the tragedy 

** U S A. 690, UT Sunday Sept 8 at 0502 UT, KGGF Coffeyville KS is going from 
``Battle Hymn of the Republic`` to Taps at sign-off (but not carrier-off) 

** U S A. 690, UT Monday Sept 9 at 0501, KGGF Coffeyville KS is playing 
``Battle Hymn of the Republic`` again before Taps and sign-off but not 
carrier-off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 770, Sept 11 at 0506 UT, ad for some casino event on Sept 17, KKOB ID 
and promo Mark Levin show. I am also hearing KKOB at many other night hours, 
not strong enough for full 50 nondirexional blast with day facilities, but 
certainly more than the 230-watt Santa Fe fill-in. Therefore I must conclude 
that the night DA null toward WABC is out of whack (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 880, Sept 9 at 1208 UT with KRVN N/S nulled, all I hear is ``La 
Ranchera`` slogan. Unfortunately no Mexicans in any of the three listings are 
named that; a recent change? Or could be a US station; there are already a few 
SS on 880. I was about to file this as unidentified till I googled La Ranchera 
880 and found this dated July 18, 2013:
DAVIDSON MEDIA GROUP Spanish Variety WMDB-A/NASHVILLE has tweaked its brand 
from "El Sol 880" to "La Ranchera." You can check out the new look and sound 

FCC AM Query shows call is still WMDB (NOT WMDB-A!!), with 2.5 kW day, TWO 
WATTS night, pace WCBS, always non-direxional. September SR/SS: 1130/2400 UT. 
Also has PSRA protecting WCBS (and/or CMAB!) of 47 watts in Apr/Sep/Oct; 2 to 
10 watts other months except Feb with a hefty 500; and N/A May-Aug (Glenn 

** U S A. 1270, Sept 7 at 1756 UT, daytime groundwave on caradio, I am hearing 
two stations mixing in Spanish, one talk, one music, no English. Parked on the 
north side of Enid, while previously on the west side I was hearing Spanish 
music and English talk, the latter leading to KSCB Liberal KS. So now it must 
be KRVT Claremore/Tulsa, and KFLC Fort Worth TX instead (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1290, Sept 10 at 1220 UT, KWFS Wichita Falls TX ``Rise & Shine`` show 
is bragging about stream reaching everywhere, as they hear from California, 
North Korea, and Africa! Lots of local ads (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 


UNIDENTIFIED. 650, Sept 10 at 0550 UT, `24/7 Comedy` network ID, laughter, 
applause and standup routine. Always something interesting on 650 with WSM 
nulled; in fact, at the moment it`s XETNT that needs nulling, not much from 
WSM. But no 650 stations listed at:
which covers only USA, altho we know a few Canadians on other frequencies run 
this. None such either in last year`s NRC AM Log; maybe when I get this year`s, 
it will be revealed. Seems this network is growing gradually, about to appear 
on CKMX 1060/CFVP 6030 Calgary.

As far as I can tell from own website, CKOM Saskatoon is still news/talk (and I 
did ID it recently). What about CISL Richmond BC? Its site still shows ``all time favorites``, but reveals they 
will be adding sports talk Sept 29, Sundays 9 pm-midnite [Monday 04-07 UT] so 
that could be confusing as to formats; already runs a number of talk shows, 
maybe more time than music. But Mondays 7 pm-midnite it`s still shown as `ATF`. 
Of course, the 24/7 Comedy network isn`t necessarily carried 24/7 by all 
affiliates, e.g. CFRB/CFRX overnite only, except one nite a week.

I may as well Google the other few likely US 650 stations: WNMT in MN shows 
something else now; KIKK Houston can`t find a schedule but it`s sports; KMTI UT 
skeds something else; KGAB WY with C2CAM; not unlikely KSTE CA either, but they 
do have Hottie Galleries of 100`s of Babes, tastefully updated daily. As a last 
resort. I check WSM itself: `The WSM All-Nighter with Marcia Campbell` which is 
rather vague but surely basically country music. The comedy station and XETNT 
are making a fast SAH, like XETNT does with WSM, surely because XETNT is the 
one off-frequency. So as for who`s doing 24/7 Comedy now on 650, am still at a 

UNIDENTIFIED. 650, Sept 12 at 0535 UT, 24/7 Comedy station is again audible in 
mixture of other stuff with WSM nulled. Whence?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF 

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