All times and dates strictly UT [4 hours ahead of `ELT`]. Rx: mostly DX-398 
with internal antenna only; or Sony SRF-59 as specified; Nissan stock caradio 
as specified; FRG-7 with E/W longwire as specified
These logs are excerpts from my daily all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also 
VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham, which
may be found in several archives without much delay, such as
And compiled weekly along with extensive news from many other individuals and 
publications in DX LISTENING DIGEST:
All my MW DX reports starting August 2011 are archived in this forum with open 
These logs are in four sexions, Canada [if any], Oklahoma [if any], rest of 
USA, unidentified, separated by =======
Within each, they are in frequency order

** OKLAHOMA. 1150, Oct 10 at 1214 UT, something else audible with N/S KSAL 
Salina KS nulled, mentioning local event in Krebs, which is a dead giveaway for 
KNED, confirmed by the next mention of McAlester. This Okie is too far to be 
audible on groundwave, as KSAL owns 1150 in the daytime (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1210, Oct 4 at 0534 UT, no KGYN Guymon, which for 
weeks/months has been reliably shooting signal toward us and Philadelphia at 
night; maybe got their null working, but can`t even be sure it`s on the air at 
all. In full daytime at 1825 UT, when it is normally audible weakly on 
groundwave, still missing tho there may be a JBA carrier on 1210. I went on a 
DXpedition around the block to check the caradio in some spots avoiding local 
noise sources. For two other 1210s logged, see U S A (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** OKLAHOMA. Three other stations logged again on 1210; See USA. Meanwhile, 
still no sign day or night of KGYN Guymon OK on 1210, presumed off the air (or 
running night pattern 24h? Instead of day pattern 24h?). Their accessible 
Facebook site is however active and up to date with current weather (freeze 
warning), stuff about SBGs, hunting, etc., and nothing found about being silent 
on 1210. Nor anything out of the ordinary on (Glenn 

** OKLAHOMA. 1210, Oct 7 at 1231 UT, C&W music, 1232 ``US Country`` ID, so I 
finally manage to hear KGYN Guymon again, but poor signal. Either on reduced 
power, or atoning for running ND day pattern 24 hours for months, by running 
night pattern 24h now, with null toward us and Philly. Yesterday I had asked 
David Cole in Goodwell to check whether KGYN was on the air, and he said it was 

** OKLAHOMA. 1210, Oct 9 at 0122 UT C&W music on good signal again, ``Running 
Out of Moonlight`` back-announce [not yet!], 0125 KGYN ID. Finally must be back 
on day pattern 24h instead of night pattern 24h (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 


** U S A. 820, Oct 7 at 0607 UT, Redeye Radio from WBAP has a slight reverb 
echo on it, especially when nulled, no doubt from other 820 affiliate, WWBA in 
Largo FL, 50/1 kW. I wonder if they make an effort to synchronize, compensating 
for a satellite delay to FL from originating TX, minimizing echo which could be 
a lot worse between them than here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. 980, Oct 10 at 1210 UT, Spanish preacher referencing several 832-area 
code phone numbers, and looping SSE/NNW so that means Houston, i.e. KQUE, 
Rosenberg-Richmond, with address in Pasadena, R. Aleluya (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1030, Oct 6 at 1209 UT, `Cowboy Corner` show loops NW/SE, soon losing 
to biz radio station. So is it KTWO or KBUF? Show`s list
has it on both! But KBUF Garden City KS at 5 am Sunday (CDT), KTWO Casper WY at 
6 am Sunday (MDT), so it`s KTWO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1110, Oct 7 at 1212 UT, talk in S Asian language mentions English 
terms ``Islamic Association of Carrollton`` and ``Islamic Association of North 
Texas``; 1214 brief Qur`an bits mixed with S Asian talk. NRC AM Log 2013 shows 
KVIL, Mineral Wells TX as ethnic ``Radio Dhanak``, 50 kW daytime, 38 kW 
critical hours. A.k.a. Pakistani American Radio:
so I wonder if it`s all in Urdu or not. Makes slow SAH with KFAB; by half an 
hour later I`m only hearing KFAB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. 1210, Oct 4 at 0534 UT in the absence(? See OKLAHOMA) of KGYN, some 
Spanish religion is looping N/S, presumably the HCJB-related outlet KUBR San 
Juan TX, 10/5 kW U4, which is // 890, unattempted to match them now. NRC 
Pattern Book 2013 shows KUBR is supposed to shoot most signal west, not north, 
but both are suspected of ignoring night direxional requirements (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. 1210, Oct 6 at 1144 UT, M&W discussing alabanzas, and I can barely 
make it // 890, so the RGV gospel-huxters affiliated with HCJB, formerly known 
as ``World Radio Network``: 1210 KUBR San Juan, and 890 KVOZ Del Mar Hills. 
Don`t be fooled by the McAllen studio/office address for both of them: San Juan 
is near McAllen, but DMH, too small for Rand McNally index, is a suburb of 
Laredo. Meanwhile, still no sign day or night of KGYN Guymon OK on 1210; see 

** U S A. 1210, Oct 7 at 1211 UT tune-in, immediate ID as ``la nueva Radio 
Cristiana network``, surely KUBR in San Juan TX. See also OKLAHOMA: KGYN (Glenn 

** U S A. 1210, Oct 6 at 1214 UT, country music, slogan sounds like ``Truckin` 
92`` or somethin` rhymin`; hmm, could that be KGYN`s FM side KKBS 92.7 simul? 
No, NRC AM Log leads to KHAT, Laramie WY, 10/1 kW U2, ``Buckin` Country 92` 
(simulcasting its FM, KDAD 92.5; that slogan must allude to the WY license 
plate design, still?). KHAT is ND day, but it`s still officially night when 
pattern should head westward (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1690, DX 

** U S A. 1210, Oct 4 at 1225 UT, weather on KOKK, assisted by absence(?) of 
KGYN altho close to right angles since this is Huron, SD, U4 5000/870. Is it 
official October sunrise yet there? Doubt it, but FCC now blox AM Query 
completely, so can`t look that up {why is that necessary? It`s all automated, 
anyway}; NRC Pattern Book shows nite signal goes NW, day signal SE. That might 
be confusing to area listeners who only get it day, or only at nite (Glenn 

** U S A. 1210, Oct 6 at 1219 UT, ad for non-local seed company; 1220 National 
Guard PSA, fortunately with a South Dakota tag, so KOKK Huron is in again, yet 
another station facilitated by silent KGYN OK. 

You might wonder how Huron SD got named, so far inland from the Great Lake? 
Wikipedia says: ``Huron was named for the Huron Indians. Exactly who gave it 
the name was never established, apparently either Marvin Hughitt or someone in 
the Chicago office of the C&NW railroad company.`` 

Encyclopædia Britannica (congrats, gets top Google hit ahead of Wiki) on Huron 
Indians (a.k.a. Wyandot, various spellings) says they started out along the St 
Lawrence, were eventually pushed to Kansas and Indian Terr., no mention of SD. 
Wiki says they are HQ in today`s OK at Wyandotte. And no mention of Dakota 
there either (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1690, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1550, Oct 6 at 1106 UT, reference to Cape Girardeau, presumed KAPE 
which is 5000/48 watts, and leaping over KLFJ `Branson` which often dominates. 
Maybe KAPE has a higher PSRA which I can`t look up with FCC shutdown (Glenn 


UNIDENTIFIED. 580, Oct 4 at 0512 UT, with WIBW nulled, fast rippling SAH and 
weak station playing soul/gospel music. NRC AM Log 2013 shows a few 
music-format stations on 580, the most likely ones by format, direxion and 
proximity, if not nominal nite powers are:
WACQ Tuskegee AL, U1 500/139, Rock/Old -CM ``Classic Hits 850`` [sic]
WELO Tupelo MS,   U1 770/ 95, UC:AC, ``Tupelo`s Heart & Soul``

UNIDENTIFIED. 1140, Oct 4 before and after 0530 UT, Spanish music making fast 
SAH with XEMR nulled as much as possible. Suspect it`s KLTK in Centerton 
(Rogers) AR, which has fooled us before pretending to be ``La más Mexicana``; 
trouble is, it`s supposed to be 5 kW daytime only, non-direxional, all per NRC 
AM Log 2013. The other 5 Mexicans on 1140 are all beyond Monterrey, not in the 
north or west (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1521 & 1539, Oct 6 at 1049 UT, weak hets against 1520 and 1540 
stations, audible on FRG-7 only with E-W longwire, so can`t DF them, but 
unlikely trans-Pacific as there is nothing listed over 10 kW anywhere in the 
Pacific or East Asia. I vaguely recall that this also happened a few years ago, 
and assumed to be matching spurs from some domestic 1530 station; was it ever 

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