All times and dates strictly UT [4 hours ahead of `ELT`]. Rx: mostly DX-398 
with internal antenna only; or Sony SRF-59 as specified; Nissan stock caradio 
as specified; FRG-7 with E/W longwire as specified
These logs are excerpts from my daily all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also 
VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham, which may be found in several archives 
without much delay, such as
And compiled weekly along with extensive news from many other individuals and 
publications in DX LISTENING DIGEST:
All my MW DX reports starting August 2011 are archived in this forum with open 
These logs are in four sexions, Canada [if any], Oklahoma [if any], rest of 
USA, unidentified, separated by ======= Within each, they are in frequency order

** CANADA. 620, Oct 27 at 1202 UT, dominant signal is not XEBU Chihuahua (not 
on the air yet due to timechange?), but something in English news, ``This is 
Canadian Press``, then CFL scores; 1204 another Canadian Press ID, ad for J. D. 
Sausage Supply in Regina; 1205 6-20 CKRM Weather and into ESPN network. CKRM 
Regina is 10 kW with day and night patterns about the same, broadly to the 
north with tiny lobe to the south. This is no tiny lobe I am getting to the 
SSE. Whatever became of CKCK? It`s no longer an AM call anywhere (Glenn Hauser, 

** CANADA. 960, Oct 28 at 0502 UT during another 5-minute `Fox-hole` of dead 
air on local KGWA, which still occurs more often than not, the best signal I am 
getting is not by nulling the KGWA carrier, where there`s a jumble of weak 
stations, but by aiming right thru it to the northwest: with volume turned way 
up, English is clearly readable with silly ball- and puck-game scores, from MLB 
and NHL, ID only as ``CBS Sports Radio`` and 0503 opening show ``After Hours 
with --- Lawrence``. 

So it`s obviously 50 kW CFAC Calgary AB again which occasionally makes such a 
showing contrary to its imaginary direxional pattern away from the USA. Just to 
confirm, I figured it would take a lot of digging on the network website since 
American ones tend to overlook Canadian affiliates even if they have them, but
has CFAC 960 Calgary at the very top thanx to Albertan alfabetical advantage 
among the mixed-in states & provs. Among the 284 entries (if not that many 
affiliates, duplications?), there are three other 960s, in NY, OR and WA. Must 
have flipped from ESPN as in 2013 NRC AM Log, as I assume it and CBS are mux 
(mutually exclusive) (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1693, DX LISTENING 


** OKLAHOMA. Observations in and around OKC, Oct 24-UT 25:

102.3, and 107.1, no sign of pirate activity as previously. Any news of other 
pirate FM frequencies now?

92.9, Oct 24 at 2350 UT, 24/7 comedy is here // 1560 KEBC Del City, and good 
thing it is, since even in NE OKC, 1560 is getting QRM from presumed KGOW, 
Houston market sportster. 

92.9 is licensed to Fred R and Evelyn K Morton, while 1560 is licensed to Tyler 
Media LLC, a multi-station group. The Mortons also own the 96.5 translator in 
OKC, no others in OK state. (Mom-and-pop translators for rent, as many of them 
are, should make an interesting small-business story.)

FCC AM Query shows 92.9 as the only OK outside KBEZ Tulsa, K225BN, 75 watts at 
145 m above ground level, but with an application to move to a slightly 
different site, 200 watts at 280 meters. Topo map indicates somewhere near the 
I-35/I-240 junxion in south OKC. I hate those FCC topo maps because they do not 
pinpoint the sites! We can only assume they are somewhere near the center, and 
sometimes there are ``radio towers`` indicated somewhere on them from decades 
ago, not necessarily in the middle, which could be something else, not even 

The WTFDA FM database for K225BN does not show any info on format or station 
relayed. Some FCC translator listings show the station being rebroadcast, but 
not this one. Now we know. 

Except: for the APP, FCC does show the primary: KOMA (FM)! Why in the world 
would full-power 92.5 KOMA need a translator on the second adjacent channel 
up??? I suspect that is just a place-holder. Possibly they did put KOMA on it 
previously for the record.

1220, Oct 24 at 2348 UT, KTLV Midwest City is certainly audible in OKC, with 
gospel huxtering. It`s one of the ``unreported`` AM stations this century 
according to David Yocis of NRC DX News. I`ve also heard it in Enid, but it`s 
tough, certainly the least of OKC market AM stations (well, except KREF 1400 
Norman due to KCRC 1390 Enid); need a quiet location and to minimize splash 
from 1230 Ponca. NRC AM Log says slogan is ``Your Key To Living Victoriously`` 
--- and all this time I thought it just stood for ``TweLVe``.

1640, Oct 24 at 0240 UT on SH 3, NW outskirts of OKC, KZLS, True Oldies, is 
already getting rather heavy fast-SAH QRM from a talk station, no doubt WTNI 
Biloxi MS, which is no doubt still on 10 kW day power instead of 1 kW. KZLS 
should sue them, or at least turn them in to the FCC. Back in Enid, closer to 
transmitter site Hennessey, WTNI is not so much of a problem (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** OKLAHOMA. 1120, Oct 27 at 1902 UT check, KEOR Catoosa is back on the air 
with gospel huxtering in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Right after local mean noon, always 1832 UT, on Oct 26 I venture 
to the low-noise hot-spot parking lot in an Enid mall to do an AM bandscan on 
the caradio for weakest detectable signals; however there are storms in 
southern Oklahoma making lightning crashes, the only such area on the continent 

1220, Oct 26 at 1835 UT, KTLV Midwest City OK, ``clap yo hands`` pentecostal 
service, then a soul hymn. Tho no ID, I have no doubt it is my closest 1220, 
very weak, quite on the edge of its range. Adjacent splash from much stronger 
1230 WBBZ Ponca City is reduced a bit by a football game instead of mostly 
music. KTLV is no longer un-reported to NRC DX News.

At 1843 UT, I find *no* skywave activity on the X-band, not even 1700 KKLF 
Richardson TX --- so surely none of above signals lower in the band are skywave 
either (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Oct 27 at 1900 UT, I have returned to the same location as 
yesterday, the MW hotspot in a mall parking lot in western Enid. Almost same 
space, but on Sunday the lot is almost empty if that should make a difference. 
I`ve timed it to arrive just before hourtop.

1220, I do copy a definite YL ID at 1900 UT Oct 27 for ``KTLV, Midwest 
City-Oklahoma City, and streaming on the web at`` amid preachers. 
Reaffirming my claim to be first to log it for NRC in the XXI Century (Glenn 

** OKLAHOMA. 1210, Oct 25 at 1229 UT, hardly anything from KGYN Guymon, then 
fades in enough to hear a ``US Country`` ID; no change in signal at 1230. You 
never know whether KGYN will be on ND day or direxional night at any time of 
the day or night. They have 3 towers in a line aimed right at Philadelphia, 
right next to the hiway east of Guymon with call letters on the shack. Times in 
UT to check for real day/night changes:
1245-0015 Oct
1330-2330 Nov
I see in FCC AM Query that KGYN still has a CP to change from 10/10 kW to 
50/10/39 kW, using 2 towers day and critical hours, 3 at night. Unfortunately, 
the pattern plots are missing from the linx (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 


** U S A. 550, Oct 24 at 2340 UT, `Behind the Mike` show with Graham McNamee in 
1940y(?) answering listener questions about radio history, including: the first 
broadcast from the Metropolitan Opera was in 1910 when Caruso was singing 
backstage, and picked up by a ship-at-sea {WTFK?}. 

This was a segment during `When Radio Was` on KFRM Salina KS. I believe WRW is 
at 6-7 pm CT, ending just in time for official October sunset at 0000 UT, when 
power cuts from 5000 to 110 watts; but in November, SS moves way up to 2315 UT 
= 6:15 pm CDT/5:15 pm CST, meaning no more near-local signal into OKC. So the 
last half-sesquihour of WRW will still be on day power on Friday Nov 1, but 
only on night power from Nov 4. Pattern is same day and night, broadly aimed 
southwest. KFRM justifiably claims much of OK in its prime daytime coverage 
area. (KSAL 1150 Salina also reaches well into OK days, and with a night lobe 
toward Enid) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING GIGEST)

** U S A. 670, Oct 31 at 1157 UT, numerous ``Hog-Call`` program promos, 
479-area code phone, from KHGZ Glenwood AR; this early, WSCR has to be exactly 
nulled, but they are close to 90 degrees apart (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. Right after local mean noon, always 1832 UT, on Oct 26 I venture to 
the low-noise hot-spot parking lot in an Enid mall to do an AM bandscan on the 
caradio for weakest detectable signals; however there are storms in southern 
Oklahoma making lightning crashes, the only such area on the continent now:

720, Oct 26 at 1842 UT, football vs Iowa. Chex with WGN schedule for today, 
Northwestern vs Iowa. Also SAH of 2.07 Hz, KSAH Universal City TX (San 
Antonio)? It`s really the only station close enough, 10 kW day power, altho 
even in the daytime allegedly with a null toward Chicago and mostly toward us.

At 1843 UT, I find *no* skywave activity on the X-band, not even 1700 KKLF 
Richardson TX --- so surely none of above signals lower in the band are skywave 
either (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 730, Oct 31 at 1159 UT, Korean talk and a couple IDs in passing for 
``KKDA``, the letters pronounced in English --- well, of course, since there 
are no letters in Korean. Then at 1200 full legal ID in English for Dallas 
Korean Radio, and one tone/timesignal. Allegedly there is no requirement that 
legal IDs really be in English.

A few minutes later, I was hearing some Vietnamese on 870, another Metroplex 
language, from KFJZ Fort Worth (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 750, Oct 26 at 1211 UT, ranchera music from WSW/ENE, heavy CCI, 1213 
Spanish announcement mentions Tejas. Probably KAMA El Paso. 

Since NRC AM Log again in 2013 says 750 KMMJ Grand Island NE has some Spanish, 
I`ve been wary of logs here based on language, so I look at the 
website (why don`t stations` own sites show up at or near the top of Google 
searches? Instead lots and lots of streaming services, etc. Finally I find KMMJ 
site by going to Wikipedia). 

There looking at the entire program schedule for M-F, Sat and Sun, there are NO 
titles in Spanish, FWIW, just gospel huxters and Dave Ramsey in English. We 
also learn that the calls retroactively signify: ``Keeping your Mind on the 
Message of Jesus``. Nothing about ``The Bridge`` as in NRC Log, not even by 
internal search of the site. 

750 is also the home of a much-wanted OK station, KSEO in Durant, 220-watt ND 
daytimer, which I have never heard a trace of in daytime, SRS or SSS, and 
continue to wonder if it`s really on the air. If not closer to Durant, would 
someone on I-35 around the Red River please check for it? (Glenn Hauser, Enid 

** U S A. 820, Oct 31 at 1200 UT, WBAP with legal ID mentions 820,  99.5 HD2 
and KPLX HD2. Sounded like three separate ``stations``, but KPLX is the one on 
99.5 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 830, Sunday Oct 27 at 1217 UT, WCCO Minneapolis MN, amateur guest on 
phone with summary of the natural world, from Moon phase to fall colors, what`s 
being harvested, insect and bird migrations in `CCO-land (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 860, Oct 29 at 1229 UT, country song, not daily polka which I must 
have just missed, from KKOW Pittsburg KS; 1230 break of about a semiminute 
interrupting song before comes back on, slightly stronger. Must be official 
sunrise time for night/day change, from 5 kW direxional SW including plenty 
toward Enid, to 10 kW ND daytime. Yes, per FCC:
Oct 1230-2345
Nov 1300-2315

** U S A. 880, Oct 25 at 1220 UT, with KRVN nulled, continuous chanting on 
almost a single note, ultimately morphing into a familiar Christian hymn tune 
with Navajo lyrix, as KHAC Tse Bonito NM (suburb of Window Rock AZ) is again 
audible long before sunrise, non-direxional day and night powers being 10000, 
and 430 watts (PSRA is also 430 yearound). So is this really only 430 watts? 
FCC linx no topo map for this one, but longitude of site is 109-01-13 west, so 
is this really in AZ or NM? Quick Google found entire AZ legal eastern boundary 
with NM as ``one hundred nine degrees, two minutes, fifty-nine and twenty-five 
one-hundredths seconds west``.
Geez, why didn`t they make it 109-00-00.00 even? Anyhow, that puts KHAC in NM.

Meanwhile at 1222 UT Oct 25, the other and bigger 50 kW Navajo Nation station, 
660 KTNN, a few km away, remains unheard around here, so properly direxional 
away from New York; at this time, only two Mexicans mixing on 660, one talk, 
one music, along with KSKY and/or KCRO (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 920, Oct 29 at 1233 UT, `Huckaby Report` ending, as wacko far-right 
extremist appears on lots of stations at 1230; is it KVEL, Vernal, Utah again? 
No, Lamar mentioned, so it`s just KLMR in SE CO. Local announcer exhibits 
excessive expressiveness about weather and farm conditions; KYFR Iowa nulled, 
where Harold Camping can still be heard, but often with serious sacred music 
(as opposed to gospel rock, soul) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 930, Oct 28 at 1220 UT, what`s to be heard with WKY OKC nulled now? 
News in English, mentions, funding plugs, Wisconsin weather, YL host, 
local, not NPR, talk show with guest Bill Krause(?). It`s WLBL Auburndale in 
the center of WI, on the WPR Ideas Network, 5000/70/500 watts, non-direxional 

** U S A. 1000, Oct 27 at 1230 UT, ID from ``Christian Radio for New Mexico, 
KKIM``, Albuquerque, then `Haley`s Comments` show, slow SAH with KTOK OKC; long 
before sunrise even here to the east, obviously on ND 10 kW day power instead 
of 38 watts night, or PSRA of 12.2. Frequently audible with KTOK nulled or vice 
versa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1060, Oct 29 at 1239 UT, `Scott Luther`s Gold and Silver Express`, 
infomercial pushing coin purchases (if such a hedge against paper-money, why 
doesn`t he hoard instead of sell them, amassing paper or imaginary money 
instead?). Dominant signal from NW/SE which means either WLNO or KRCN. This 
matches the Radio Colorado Network schedule for 6 am weekdays at
which is a neat homepage with an old console radio design, complete with stuck 
toggle switches.

KRCN Longmont CO is 50000/111 watts, with PSRA of 500. Certainly sounds to me 
like 50 kW already, long before sunrise. At this time, hardly anything from 10 
kW daytime 1060 cheater KIJN Farwell TX (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Right after local mean noon, always 1832 UT, on Oct 26 I venture to 
the low-noise hot-spot parking lot in an Enid mall to do an AM bandscan on the 
caradio for weakest detectable signals; however there are storms in southern 
Oklahoma making lightning crashes, the only such area on the continent now:

1110, Oct 26 at 1839 UT, mainly KFAB in English with a Nebraska ad; SAH of 3.4 
Hz, presumably KVTT Mineral Wells TX.

At 1843 UT, I find *no* skywave activity on the X-band, not even 1700 KKLF 
Richardson TX --- so surely none of above signals lower in the band are skywave 
either (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1190, Oct 26 at 1222 UT, promo for Bob ----, ``The Grim Reaper`` not 
only M-F at 10 am but ``could be even worse when repeated at 4 pm``, on ``the 
all-new KQQZ, The Patriot``. This website:
linx only to streaming, no program schedule to look up his last name, but it`s 
really Insane, as ``Hot Talk, Kool Killer Kountry, The 1st Amendment and All 
American Station``. 

KQQZ Has two mascots: a yellow-devil wielding a trident(?) weapon; and a much 
cuter green double 6-gun-totin` saguaro cactus cowboy sheriff, a perfect match 
for St. Louis MO, roughly a kilomile from the nearest wild saguaro. At least 
KQQZ no longer confronts cross-state QRM as Disney turned off and pulled out of 
Kansas City.

Then I search on Grim Reaper and find he pertains [-ed?] to sibling(?) station 
KZQZ 1430:
Riverfront Times article about Bob Romanik says he`s an ex-con. So what exactly 
is the division/relationship between the 1190 and 1430 stations? This long 
article goes into the convoluted history of these and other stations, as of 15 
months ago:

** U S A. Right after local mean noon, always 1832 UT, on Oct 26 I venture to 
the low-noise hot-spot parking lot in an Enid mall to do an AM bandscan on the 
caradio for weakest detectable signals; however there are storms in southern 
Oklahoma making lightning crashes, the only such area on the continent now:

1200, Oct 26 at 1836 UT, very weak talkshow about cars, 31 mpg. No doubt it`s 
WOAI San Antonio on groundwave. However, their Saturday schedule shows this 
should not be on until after 1900 = 2pm:
10AM-2PM The Mutual Fund Show
 2PM-3PM Belden Automotive's Under the Hood Show
Read more:
I mustn`t forget that there is a 1 kW daytimer in Bolivar, SW Missouri, which 
could possibly make it here, KYOO, ``Today`s Best Country``.

At 1843 UT, I find *no* skywave activity on the X-band, not even 1700 KKLF 
Richardson TX --- so surely none of above signals lower in the band are skywave 
either (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1370, Oct 31 at 1211 UT, as I tune in, ``Memories 13-70 AM,``, 
WTTN(?) or something similar, definitely a W-call; poor with CCI and splash 
from local 1390 KCRC, peaks from ENE? Looking fuzzily thru NRC AM Log for 
resembling calls on 1370, the closest is NOStalgic WCCN in Neillsville WI, 
``America`s Best Music``. Then Googling on ``Memories 1370 AM``, that indeed 
leads to WCCN, subsidiary of a rock FM outlet:  FCC shows 
5000/42 watts, so it is sunrise yet in central Wisconsin? No, 1215 UT in 
October, 1300 in November, but they do have a PSRA of 500 watts which would be 
in effect (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1510, Oct 28 at 1228 UT, same promo twice for HOT, Tuesdays at noon, 
= Happiness, Opportunity, Technology. Presenter John Barnabas sounds British. 
Apparently a recent reordering as on website it`s T-O-H. An ID followed for 
``Money Radio 1510 & 99.3 FM`` = KFNN Mesa AZ, 22000/100 watts. Dominant signal 
from the west. Hmmm, I wonder which power is in use now, long before sunrise? 
Has fast SAH from algo; then US Tax Relief ad (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 1680, Oct 24 at 2347 UT, classic country signal from KRJO Monroe LA 
is very poor and with some CCI from presumed Ada MI, while all the other usual 
X-banders, many further away, such as 1690 Chicago and 1670 Madison, are at 
usual good levels, thus reaffirming my earlier observations that something`s 
wrong at KRJO, apparently running even less than 1 kW; in compensation for WTNI 
1640 running more? (Glenn Hauser, Oklahoma City OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1680, Oct 26 at 0043 UT, not much signal on DX-398 until I plug in 
the external shortwire; then there`s HS football with a team named Wildcats, 
which are surely all over, but this correlates with Wossmann HS in Monroe LA, 
playing at home tonight vs Rayville; presumed KRJO Monroe LA instead of Classic 
Country (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


UNIDENTIFIED. Right after local mean noon, always 1832 UT, on Oct 26 I venture 
to the low-noise hot-spot parking lot in an Enid mall to do an AM bandscan on 
the caradio for weakest detectable signals; however there are storms in 
southern Oklahoma making lightning crashes, the only such area on the continent 

870, Oct 26 at 1830, English station in a game is atop with a SAH of 3.5 Hz. 
May we assume that KFJZ Fort Worth is 100% Vietnamese? WWL is scheduled for 
`Tiger Tailgating`, I assume sports-talk. The little 870 daytimers in CO and MO 
are both listed as Oldies. Of course even music stations are quick to pre-empt 
it for silly ballgames. WWL or either of those would be a good daytime 
groundwave catch; need to try again.

At 1843 UT, I find *no* skywave activity on the X-band, not even 1700 KKLF 
Richardson TX --- so surely none of above signals lower in the band are skywave 
either (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Oct 27 at 1900 UT, I have returned to the same location as 
yesterday, the MW hotspot in a mall parking lot in western Enid. Almost same 
space, but on Sunday the lot is almost empty if that should make a difference. 
I`ve timed it to arrive just before hourtop, hoping to get an ID on the 870 
station, but conditions are somehow worse than yesterday: all I can detect on 
870 at 1902 is a SAH of about 6 Hz. Normally readable 880 KRVN is also very 
poor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 880, Oct 31 at 1223-1225+ UT, audio of a couple of syllables and 
rumble caught in a loop over and over for more than two minutes, interrupted by 
one IAD. Roughly east/west with KRVN nulled, and very likely KLRG AR, altho 
KHAC NM can also make it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 930, Oct 30 at 1250 UT, country music with WKY OKC tightly 
nulled. Per NRC AM Log 2013, the *only* two USA/Canadian C&W format stations on 
930 are both likely within range from here, KAFF Flagstaff AZ, and KRKY Granby 

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