Hello All,

There was another halfhearted sunrise enhancement this morning on the high 
band, similar to the effect two days ago. The same four high band Asians 
(1503-JOUK, 1566-HLAZ, 1575-VOA and 1593-CNR1) once again took turns producing 
anemic audio from 1530-1600, with 1566-HLAZ the best of the lackluster bunch 
with fair to good religious music for a few brief seconds around 1548. As usual 
none of these high band diehards could manage more than a few seconds of decent 
audio at a time, and also as usual this month, the low band Asians were missing 
in action during sunrise enhancement.

During predawn darkness around 1500 some moderate carriers were on 594, 603 and 
972, but these weak signals never stuck around for the sunlight. A pretty 
forgettable morning overall, but at least the high band is showing some 
mediocre signs of life.

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
7.5" loopstick Tecsun PL-380 Ultralight +
12" Medium Wave FSL antenna

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