Hi Michael,

I know of a portable broadband loop design that I think you'd really like
for use with your FLG100. A DXer pal of mine, Dave Aichelman from Grants
Pass, Oregon came up with a clever "Tent Pole Loop" antenna a few years
ago. I have two of his setups and they work really well with either a
Wellbrook FLG100 or ALA100 module,

He has documented the design in a handful of files that are in the "Files"
section of the Perseus SDR Yahoo Group, which you are likely a member of.
Look for the subfolder titled "Example Antenna Models
and then you can download the three JPG photos of his setup, plus four PDFs
that have the words "2M Loop" or "2M Microloop" in the titles. These PDFs
are details EZNEC computer models of his Tent Pole Loop using the FLG100,
the ALA100, and in single and dual phased loop configurations.

I have each of his loop designs stored in plastic pouches (heavy duty
freezer bags actually) that are approximately 12 inches by 10 inches by 3
inches. (The collapsed tent poles are a separate bundle.) When set up
properly, the crossed tent poles form an "X" that's about seven feet square
which hold the antenna loop element. For the FLG100 version, a 1000 ohms
carbon potentiometer provide the adjustment for the rearward null.

The loops rest right on the ground, but to support the tent pole loop
vertically I use a couple of step-in electric fence posts
and 2-3 cable ties. After some practice it's just a five minute or less job
to set up this portable loop design.  Dave likes to use a pair of adjustable
rifle hunter's shooting sticks
to accomplish the same thing (at a higher cost than the fence posts). The
limitation of the step-in fence posts is that you can only support the
antenna over soft earth or grass; the device Dave uses will work over a
hard surface.

I've used the Tent Pole Loop design for about five years now, while camping
and on quickie DXpeditions. I find it a great way to make use of the
excellent Wellbrook ALA/FLG antenna elements but in small, self-supporting
package. Once you have the tent poles and smaller parts on hand, it takes
an hour of trimming and fitting to prepare the loop "kit"...then it's ready
to go for its first use.

Bottom line-- such an antenna might work well for you too, Michael, in that
beautiful Tuscany countryside!


Guy Atkins
Puyallup, WA

---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Michael Yule <michaeldy...@gmail.com>
> To: markwa1...@aol.com
> Cc: "irca@hard-core-dx.com" <irca@hard-core-dx.com>
> Bcc:
> Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2017 18:09:05 +0000
> Subject: [IRCA] Florence
> Hi Mark, thanks for your message on list. It's a different DX situation
> here than Nova Scotia for sure, and there are times that I'm really gonna
> miss the DKAZ! But there are some compensations for me, like well heck, I'm
> living in Florence...! I'm going to be starting out with a 'Frequent Flyer'
> FSL that Gary is very generously sending over to me, and am looking for a
> portable to go with it, as I can't couple it directly to my ELAD. I think
> I've narrowed the choice down to either a Tecsun 660 or a Sony EX5MK2, and
> I will take the bus about 20 minutes to the hills outside of the city, a
> small town called Fiesole where I think reception will be much better than
> in town here. We aren't going to buy a car as there really isn't any need
> to apart from mini DXpeditions as everything in the city is in walking
> range and if we are going on a longer trip that needs a car we'll rent one.
> Most places can be reached though through the excellent public transport
> available. That being said, I have been considering ways of trying to make
> a foldable version of your broadband loop so I can bring the ELAD and do
> some broadband captures, which is what I'd also really like to do. Is there
> any way I can use my existing FLG100 with this rather than having to
> construct the amplifier? I'd like to use as many existing parts as
> possible. I sent myself the FLG, the transformers I used for the CAT5 and
> one of Colin's Vactrols from Nova Scotia before I left along with a couple
> of toroids and some other things, and they arrived safe and somewhat sound,
> athough Poste Italia made me do a lot of 'splainin what exactly I was
> trying to import and made me pay an import fee.

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