
My morning listening is usually done by programming the SDR to record the AM band from about an hour before to a half hour after local sunrise (sometimes longer).  I can then either listen in real time or play back the recording later in the day   The main advantages of this approach: - I don't miss anything if I oversleep or have to leave before the DX fades out (the latter is less relevant now that I'm retired)
- If conditions are rotten, I haven't wasted much time
- I can listen at my own speed and find the stations that fade up for only a short amount of time
- I can check many frequencies for IDs at the top of the hour
- I can multitask while the recording is being made and not worry about missing an ID because I was only half-listening while exercising, reading the news, or eating breakfast

I keep forgetting to check the fish barrel in the morning, but I agree it's a valuable tool.  That's a habit I should start.

When I play back the files, I usually setup the SDR software to display 200-300 kHz (such as 531-830 , 830-1030, etc) worth of spectrum and then look for 9 kHz carriers on the display.  I'll check the signals one at a time and gradually move through the files in chronological order until the DX fades out or the recording ends.  Then I move onto the next chunk of spectrum and repeat the process.  Eventually I reach then end of the AM band and can then get on with my life again.  All the while, I'm jotting my notes into an email which is eventually cleaned up and sent.


On 9/20/2018 13:09, ken brookner wrote:
Hi Everybody...

I enjoy reading everyone's logs during the week and I've been curious about what your routine is...   Are you up and doing this real time, SDR catches?

Are you scanning up the band from the bottom or tuning the splits? How much time are you spending?

When I was a kid, I used to turn my days and nights around during the summer school breaks so I could tune for stations during darkness.  Not possible for me now and I don't expect anyone does that here, though maybe you guys are very early risers..


Lummi Island, WA
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