You and me both, concerning re-reading things, Chuck, as I too recall Beverage discussing current peaks, but thought I recalled that they smoothed out when the antenna was properly terminated.

At any rate, it's "angels dancing on the point of a pin" territory for me at the moment, at least until I went back and did some serious reading.

In the meantime, I think Russ said it best:

The name "BOG" came from "Beveridge -on-Ground", and indeed one of adequate length should behave similarly.


But, again, without looking it At 00:29 2018-11-08, Chuck Hutton wrote:
Nick -

Hoping I remember all the details correctly as I don't have time right now to re-read things....

Luis has put this data on the web before and claimed "resonance". Someone then educated him that current peaks and resonance are not synonyms,

My recollection is that the subject of current peaks was well covered and analyzed by Beverage in his 1923 AIEE paper.

I see no reference to Beverage's work so assume Luis did not explore that area. I saw no numbers to serve as a basis for "resonance" - some L and C values would be helpful.

But we stray from the original question : how much loss is there in a non-terminated BOG / Beverage? Some have compared "over the shoulder" versus normal wires, including John Bryant. Assuming I recall correctly, he found that over the shoulder had some feasibility as the loss was some 5 to 10 dB.


From: IRCA <> on behalf of Nick Hall-Patch <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 5:33 PM
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America
Subject: Re: [IRCA] BOG question

Thanks Chuck; I knew I could bring you out of the woodwork.

There's been a fair bit of hand-waving on the topband list about the
BOG over the years, partly because anecdotally, either they "don't
work", or that they have very good F/B.  K2AV has done a lot of
measurements, and seems to conclude that a proper BOG (not a wire
near dry ground) is actually a resonant
antenna, puts forth the same
IV3PRK Pierluigi "Luis" Mansutti (ex HC1PF)<>
Quite simple to select another of the several options in the "Custom" sheet of AutoEZ to get the following graph, which indicates that's much better to go towards a shorter length.. So moved the sweep a bit down and this is the F/B of a BOG 63 meters long, 3 cm. high, with a 250 ohms load and two sets of radials.An impressive F/B of 45 dB is peaking at a radial length of 20 meters.

idea.  This is for the limited frequency range of 160m; the entire MW
band might prove interesting depending on length, ground conductivity etc.

I'd assume that a BOG at Grayland especially in the summer would act
more like a Beverage.   Did you ever compare a "BOG" with a raised wire there?


At 00:18 2018-11-07, Chuck Hutton wrote:
>I don't see the self-terminating thing.
>It seems to me (unscientifically) that the losses are maybe 5 to 7
>dB. That's a far cry from the 30 or more dB loss in a properly
>terminated system.
>From: IRCA <> on behalf of Nick
>Hall-Patch <>
>Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 3:54 PM
>To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America; h
>Walter Salmaniw
>Subject: Re: [IRCA] BOG question
>Have you had success terminating a BOG Russ?   (supposedly it is ~200
>ohms, rather than the raised Beverage's ~450 ohms).
>I think some have found that it is self terminating, to a degree, as
>there is quite a bit of loss on reflected signals.
>best wishes,
>At 20:07 2018-11-06, Russ Edmunds wrote:
> >It isn't a dumb question because the answer is yes and no. If you
> >terminate a BOG at one end, that should more focus the reception
> >pattern in favor of the terminated end. If you're looking for
> >stations from the N, then terminate at the N end. In the event that
> >the desired result is an antenna which receives both N and S but
> >nulls E and W, then you lay it out N-S and do not terminate it.
> >
> >
> >
> >Russ Edmunds
> >
> >
> >Blue Bell, PA
> >
> >Grid FN20id
> >
> >________________________________
> >From: IRCA <> on behalf of R. Colin
> >Newell <>
> >Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 2:53:57 PM
> >To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America;
> Walter Salmaniw
> >Subject: Re: [IRCA] BOG question
> >
> >Dumb question --- Do BOG's get a termination?
> >
> >On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 11:52 AM Volodya S <> wrote:
> >
> > > Stephen, my BOGs in Masset are about 750' long and I'm very
> pleased.  Good
> > > for all Asia as well as Australia/New Zealand.    73, Walt
> > >
> > >
> >--
> >Colin Newell - Editor and creator *of *
> ><> and <> -
>CoffeeCrew 2018<>
>Home of the Coffeecrew website - Alive and well since 1996! Canadian
>coffee expert.
> >VA7WWV | Twitter @CoffeeCrew | Victoria - Canada
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